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Primates are cool Reasons why primates are cool... For more examples of incredible primates visit...
  1. The circus
  2. The zoo
  3. The Discovery Channel

Here my friends are some wonderful examples of the beasts known as the "primate."

This primate looks confused and as if his mother is going to beat him for his hair style.

Now that you've seen your common primate here are a few other specific species...

I like to call this one Primeatus Harius.

Next we've got the ever so famous Chewbacca...

I call this primate Apus Famousus.

Of all the primates I have shown you this is my absolute favorite. Known to the average person as "Mullet", but to me, Primate Enthusiast, the deadly, apus mulletus.

These is quite logically thinking done by a Senor Cody.

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That's all i have for you now, visit peiodically and maybe you'll see more...