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Chpater One: Say Good-bye to Ash and Lindsay! A mysterious reincarnation for Lindsay!

Mrs. Ketchum was reading the newspaper when she saw the headline Death of 2 lovers as the headline. It read:

Mr. Ashton S. Ketchum has passed away at 1:00 PM. He died in a car crash that involved his finance Ms. Landrea M. Kino. The driver was identified as Gary S. Oak. He is charged with 5,000,000 dollars for bail. He shall serve 100 years in Prison.
Delia’s eyes filled with tears as she read it. “….My little boy…He’s…gone” Delia sobbed. She got up a few minutes later and went to Professor Oak who also read the newspaper and saw it on the news. “Delia”, he started “I’m so sorry. I got word from the hospital. They tried everything but he just didn’t make it.” He finished in a saddened tone.

A few houses away Raye Hino also read the news. “Lindsay…. Is dead? And was killed by Gary. It probably was on purpose.” Raye said. She turned around because she heard crying coming from the other room. Amy Mizuno was crying as she saw the news. She saw 2 bodies on the ground. One of them was a young man around 19. He had black hair and a handsome face, but it was now a scratched up. The other person was a young girl around 18. She had Brown hair with a beautiful face that was all battered. “It appears that Ash Ketchum of Pallet Town was killed along with 18 year old Lindsay Kino in a car accident.” The news reporter said. “Amy”, Raye started “I know the whole thing. I….saw it happen.” Raye said. “I tried to get the ambulance but I just couldn’t save Ash and Lindsay on…time” Raye finished. As soon as she finished, she broke down on Amy’s shoulder. Amy patted her on the back gently. “It’s going to be alright Raye. Everyone will feel bad about this lose. Gary is going behind bars and will probably die in Jail.” Amy said.

A few years later

A young girl, with beautiful brown hair and dark brown eyes stood by the lake in Pallet Town. She was staring in the water when a voice asked her “Linds? May I sit there with you?” It was a man’s voice. “Yes you may.” Lindsay replied. “Look I know you survived and Ash didn’t. It was a really bad lose. But he said and I quote ‘If anything bad should ever happen to me and I never get to marry Lindsay, You will become her new husband.’” “Domon”, Lindsay started “It’s been only 3 years since his death and of course you and I have married and we now have 2 kids and everything but,” Lindsay stopped for a moment “But I just don’t want to leave here.” “But we have to, Lindsay.” He replied.
Author’s Note’s: Cliffhanger! ^_^; Yea well as you can see it’s a cross-over between Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and G Gundam, along with my made-up character.