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                  Kari's Digidestined Pics

Me and Gatomon:
Well, let's see, um, a little about me then. Ok. I like
take pictures, play sports like soccer or basketball,
I like to play video games and watch tv and the
interenet too. When I was in the DigiWorld, I got
sick a whole lot and being the youngest, I didn't
want to get into trouble or be a pain. I was glad to
find out I wasn't at all, I was lots of help to them.

Takato and Guilomon:
The inexperienced member of the new team. In the
begining, Henry and Reika seemed to know a lot more
and be a whole lot better at taming their Digimon. But
with a little help and guidance, Takato will turn out to
be a great leader, just like my brother and Davis.

Ken and Wormon:
The former Digimon Emperor was cruel to his
Digimon Wormon, but now as the sweet and
kind hearted Ken, he and Wormon were a great
asset to our team, and a really good friend to me.
He and I would've looked great together, Yolie
was lucky to get a really good catch. Hee hee!

T.K. and Patamon:
My best friend thought all my DigiWorld adventures, he really liked me I
could tell, and I really liked him too. He and Davis fought too much, so that
was a kinda turn off from them two, and I noticed Ken. Anywho, back to
T.K., he's a really nice guy who really takes fighting the dark Digimon very
seriously. T.K. is a real hero, hmm, maybe he would have been right for me.

Izzy and Tentomon:
The inteligent team of the group. If you ever have a computer
bug, talk to him. Izzy was feeling pretty confused about himself
back when he was younger. I felt really bad for him, since his
parents died when he was very small and the only family he knew
were other relatives. He's a really nice guy and helped my bro
find my medicine when I was sick. He makes up for our stupidity.

Sora and Biyomon:
She sees me as kind of her heir, being that we're both tomboys.
She and Biyomon were really kind to me and Gatomon when
we first started our adventures in the DigiWorld. She was kinda
a mom for me and T.K. since we were younger, but she really
does show love for her friends, even if she doesn't know. Her
crest of love really suits her. (Tai vs. Matt, round 1 "ding")

Mimi and Palmon:
The real pre-Madona of the group. She never really
wanted to fight all that much, but we were very thankful
for her help anyway. She was a great friend and a really
tough Digidestined, though she might never want to admit
that she's anything other than sweet, kind and innocent.
This girl and her Digimon can really pack a punch in battle.

Davis and Veemon:              Tai and Agumon:               Matt and Gabumon:
My boyfriend, I guess you    My big brother and his pal   These two, although they
could say. He and Veemon   Agumon are the original      had physical fights with my
make a really good team, I    heads of the Digidestined.    bro, they were really good
really do like them, even if    I'm really proud to call this   friends. Matt and Gabumon
I never do really show it.      brave guy my brother, he is  make the perfect team and
They'er good friends and      really then why      really show their friendship,
a great team captian.            did Sora go with Matt?         even to me when I was sick.

Reika and Renamon:           Henry and Terriermon:
Reika is a lot like me in a     A lot like Willace, only with
bad mood, and Renamon is  one Digimon. He, like the
loyal but does the wrong      other tamer are really good
things with no will of her     at the video and card games.
own. Reika would make a   These guys have a kind and
great tamer is she just          sensitive side, Gatomon and
lightens up a little. But they  I took a kinda liking to them.
are still nice friends of mine. They're a great tamer team.

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