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HELO MA FREN! I luv juu becoz juu are ma fren!

Welcome to Coolness

02-26-05--- Is it a song or a poem??

Whatever it is I think its cool and you should check it.

02-01-05---New Picture and New aahh

Well i've been in this...."web" mood. ive been putting new pictures on my myspace and trying to improve this thing too. i have a new picture in the picture section of course. i think its funny. you might think its offensive....but dont take it too seriously lol

01-28-05--- New Song

That's right boys and girls, a new song. This one's a sad one. But how have you been? Good i hope. i noticed my guestbook has been signed only 3 times by 2 people and that was in december. Kelsie "Homeskillet" disapointed that aquariums dont make you supa horny....tsk tsk. Josh...remind me i need to put the reigndeer pics. By the way i bring up the guestbook thing because all you fools checking out my website should sign it and share the love. Come back soon and see if i have an exciting poll up for voting on up and running.

01-12-05--- New Song

Well it has been a long time since i updated anything besides the journal. and its another song check it out.

12-15-04--- New Song

Wow i thought it had been longer than 3 days since i last updated this thing but apparently not. that just means my break is lasting longer. which is fine with me. anyways i have the lyrics to another song up. Also both songs i have listed have titles now. I think they are good titles at that. well this new song doesnt have any music to go with it but i hope to get that taken care of soon. Josh also wanted me to tab out my songs so he could learn to play them. Josh, i'll be honest...that would take a long time and im kind of lazy. i'll just have to show you someday instead.

12-12-04---Taking Requests

Ok so by request i have put up a guest book. if you love me you should sign it and tell me how much you love me too. I'm thinking im going to create a cool poll or something too. i dont have any thought provoking questions at the moment. but anyways the guest book has its own little section under darth vader so leave me something good.

12-8-04---Much Progress

I must say that this website is coming together kind of quickly. For your viewing pleasure i have put up a photo gallery of sorts. I think later today im going to add some going to ask DJ Yamamoto if he wants a link on my page...

12-7-04---In the beginning...

This is my new project. It will probably take a while for updates to occur but i have so much free time i can probably do it. I'm kind of using templates and stuff but i'm also learning out to use script. Right now all i have is a few links at the very bottom but check out my new journal under the special features. and if this is your first time reading any journal of mine follow the link in my journal to the "old journal" for more cool stuff.

Much Ode Given to Carl

Let's face it, i probably wouldnt be designing this webpage with out inspiration from the man from "Moron" wait...thats supposed to be "Mormon"...anyways my man Carl. His website brought so much joy to my heart and still does. I highly suggest that you check it out. And he is writing a book too how exciting. Anyways check out his site and freakin' enjoy it or else.

Website de Carlos

Master Chief and the Cheat

Which Colossal Death Robot Are You?
Brought to you by Rum and Monkey

HALOkart could be an awesome game...

Special Features

Upgrade: Journal 2.0



Guest Book

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Way Cool Websites

Red vs Blue
Live Punk rock videos anyone?
Check out YELLOWCARD playing some acoustic songs
My cool life before this website
