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After folding out the Chosonminghang Tupolev TU-154-B safety card, page two was shown here. Again, multi color printing was used. Instead of words, simple graphics were used to show basic safety instructions for the flight. Use of graphics is good as this can ensure every passengers be able to get the information without any language barrier. However, the graphics used here seem to be over simple.
The first row shows 5 icons: "no smoking", "upright seat back", "fasten seat belt", "no sharp objects" & "blase position". The icons are neat and clear! However, it didn't tell when the passengers should do these during the flight.
The second and third row are much clearer. It shows different ways of how to open the three different emergency exits and how to operate the escape chutes. A Chosonminhang logo was printed on bottom right corner of the card.
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