Team Rocket's Pokèmon

What would Team Rocket be without their big, scary, pink, chubby and rather cute Lickitung? Uh...(And I DO know she'll lose it, you don't have to quibble!)

We all love them, and here's the story about Team Rocket's Pokèmon. (And I do not count Meowth as one of them, since he probably would be seriously pissed if any of them claimed he was "theirs".)

Team Rocket started with Pokèmon that dind't look to good: Koffing and Ekans. I suppose they needed something scary since it was the villains, and you know, for all the little kids watching it was a snake and an ugly ball and for those who had played the Gameboy it was poison - types, creepy, get the point?

Oh well, I'll just write about each Pokèmon in their very own section.



Jessie got her Ekans for Christmas, and it evolved into Arbok at some point ("Dig those Diglett"), just as she teary said she couldn't evolve it... Arbok is, seriously, GOOD!

Think about it. Remember "Princess vs. Princess"? Since Jessie barely remembered Lickitung in the final round against Misty, and Meowth was out in the first fight, she used only Arbok and Weezing to get to the very top. And think a little more, when, exactly, did they use Weezing for something more then smokescreen? Yep, I believe that it was Arbok that fought her to the top!

And then, "The Misty Mermaid", where it was several minuets, in the WATER, against WATER Pokèmon (many of them!), and nearly won too?!

And, of course, Arbok is the best looking one they ever had (Except Growly, but he doesn't really count).



What would a real Team Rocket appearnce be without

1. "Weezing, smokescreen!" (and)

2. "Pidgeotto, whirlwind!"

(I know, no more Pidgeotto... dammit, Ash! You just don't give away a Pidgeot!)

Anyway, it was a nice partnership - James ordering Weezing to make a smokescreen, and then Ash ordering Pidgeotto to blow it away...

I honestly cannot remember Weezing ever fight. No, I do. Episode 3, "Ash catches a Pokèmon", it actually used sludge! I remember more! "The evolution solution", he used it to fight that Shelder! And Psyduck too! OMG!

Well, one cannot say Weezing is the best - looking Pokèmon in the world, but like Ash's Bulbasaur has it's mission (whine whip) Weezing does too (smokescreen).

James got it to his birthday, and loved it very much. Koffind, like Ekans, evolved when poor Jessie and James said they didn't want them to.



Ah, the lovely Lickytung, who's not with us anymore... Lickitung entere the stage during the Princess festival shopping orgy, when it ate Jessie's presents for Giovanni and her pure faked fashions. Jessie got mad (what a shock...) and threw pokèball. And caught it. (I'ts proven, people! The impossible things doesn't only happen to Ash!)

Luckily for Jessie, she didn't give it to her boss, she instead forgot about it, but when all hope seemed lost during her battle against Misty she remembered Lickitung, and used it, too! And, believe it or not, Lickitung licked (and paralyzed) all these Pokèmon: Vulpix, Bulbasaur and Pikachu (yes, THAT Pikachu!), and would have won the fight if stupid Psyduck hadn't come out instead of Starmie.

But after that Licky was never seen again, until a loooong time had passed. How long I honestly don't know, but it's 3 weeks 'til we'll see "Pikachu revolts" here in the Middle of Nowhere, and I know for sure it's there. So...

I don't know much, but Jessie traded Licky for Wobbufet in an accident.



Eeeeee *chomp*

Sounds familiar? It's our beloved Vitribell we're talking about!

The first thing was saw of Victibell was in "The breeding center secret", where they was running from Butch and Cassidy and James suddenly remembered that this was the place he had left his Weepinbelle at. He picked a lock, and then discovered it had evolved into a Victibell. He was, simply said, terrified by this, and it showed it's love for him by eating his head, causing Jessie and Meowth to drag him after themselves, and indirectly to being caught by Butch and Cass and sent to jail. James love it neverthless.

No, there was no Weepinbell in the lost episode with the Dratini, as many people believe. It IS a plot hole that James suddenly had a Weepinbell we never saw, but the fact is that he actually STOLE Victribell in the Japanese version. Yes, he, James, of Team Rocket, STOLE a Pokèmon! And the translators didn't have the guts to let him do so! Well hello, he's the VILLAIN! They're SUPPOSED to steal!

Anyway, he got it, and he didn't use it next time before the episode where the Ash - gang ran with that Moltres fire they tried to steal. He used it briefly there, and he watered it in another of the Pokèmon league episodes, and, like Licky, it will show up in "Pikachu revolts". I don't know if it's good, I don't know anything, but I know that it continues to eat people's head.



This is the one I certanly don't know much about, I have barely seen it. Well, Jessie traded her Lickitung for it, and it's like the Psyduck (you know Psyduck...) of Team Rocket. That's it.



Okay. I know he only was in one loosey episode, but he's a Growlithe! Everybody loves them!

Growly was James's pet Growlithe, and his only friend (maybe except his grandfather) during his childhood. When James ran away from home and "died", Growly returned to the estate and lived there. If he was happy nobody knows, but okay, let's cut those theories and go to action:

In "Holy matrimony" (everybody loves that ep!) Ash - tachi was taken to the mansion of James's parents, and the first thing they saw was Growly's doghouse, witch they thought was the mainhouse at first...

James, however, returned to his parents estate as well (you know that, don't you?), and got trapped by Jessiebelle while Jessie, Meowth and Team Twerp was locked out, so they let Growly out, and he saved James from Jessiebelle. Later, he fought Jessiebelle's Vileplume with Pikachu, but event though he is SO much better then Weezing, James told him to stay to "take care of his parents" or something.

James. We all love you. We know that your brain isn't always the smartes one.

BUT FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! That seemed like something Ash would have done!



They had it for less then one episodes, but I liked that Shelder!

Okay, it was "The evolution solution", and James digged it up, he battled it, and... Jessie caught it. (James's comment: "Unfair....")

Well, they used it to evolve Slowpoke into Slowbro, and then was blasted off by that Slowbro. I think they should have kept it!