Prof. Oak

He's smart, he's funny' He's sexy... NOT! (well, maybe smart...)

Well, look who managed to get into a Team Rocket site. The wise Profesor Oak!

Professor Oak is the grandfather of our beloved Gary, and lives in Pallet town in his Lab. He takes care of the Pokèmon of trainers from Pallet, and is all over a nice guy. Here's what to say about him:

A usual day at Oak's lab starts with feeding all the Pokèmon. Then, to give them lunch. In the afternoon he does his reaserch, and that's it all. What a life.

Then, a very ridiculous and good for nothing fact about him: He sucks in the kitchen. In one ep he had ordered pizza with spinach, pineapple and anchovy, and in another on he complained over that his chef was ill and he had to eat tofu.

Also, he's first name is Samuel? Well, I've never heard that one, but then I also have missed a bunch of eps...