My little section for


Once upon a time there were a violent girl and a cross-dressing boy...

Rocketshipping.... such a nice thing... just too bad I'm unable of doing cute stuff anymore. That doesn't have anything to do with the site, so ignore it and let's to on here... Jessie and James are meant to be. We all know they are, don't we? Nope, there are lots of antishippers too out there, and for God's sake I'm fine with it. I just find the idea of Jessie and James in love so cute myself! (Of course, I also think Jessie had a relationship with Cassidy once... what do you care! I AM a darn rocketshipper too!)

So I am ignoring the antishipping here and going for what we all know and love... the good old-fashioned rocketshippy episodes!


The shippy moments


Pokèmon Shipswreck

Aw...of course we'll remember how wonderful dressers we were. At least James.Cute cute cute. Jessie shows her weak sides...Let's see, Misty. Ralph and Emily were about your own and Ash's age. Are you in serious love? Nope. Jessie and James are both 17 and probably has lots of hormones. HELLO!

You know Titanic? This is like the Titanic of pokèmon, except the drawing tramp that would be Tracey (he travels around sketching/watching pokèmon without making any real money) doesn't appear before a long time after it, and the poor rich girl that is forced into a marriage to save the family fortune that would be James (he has the dresses, the wigs, the make-up, and he is a wimp after all) doesn't die as an old hermaphrodite/drag queen warm and nice in his bed but survives at least until the Gyarodos shows up. (And yes, I've actually seen a James/Tracey pairing, and it was cute as heck!)

Okay, if you didn't see this episode it is the one after the very first cross-dressing (like school girl uniforms, you know. Ain't it Cooooool?!), and Ash and his friends/jari-boy and company/team twerp (call them whatever you want) now are trapped in a the sunken SS.Anne or St. Anne along with Team Rocket withough getting HM cute from the sick captain. They didn't run into Gary either, if that's what matters... Anyway, what we are interesting in is the point when the heroes (could be anyone fo them according to who reads it) discovers that they can't cross the machine room because it's on fire. Does Ash and Misty confess love? No. Does Brock kill himself because he'll never get a girl? No. Does Meowth at last admit that Pikachu is his evil twin brother? Nope.

But James... James takes Jessie's hands, and calls her Jessica (oooh!), and says that whoever said beauty doesn't last long must've been thinking about them... then Jessie tells him that she'll never what a wonderful dresser he were. And neither will he...

And then the true romantic of the show decides that it's time to do something... so she ruins the romantic moment totally! Now, Misty, let's see... Ralph and Emily were perhaps a year or two older than you and Ash, means maybe 12 year old. You were obsessed with getting the two of them, probably not old enough to fall in love for real, together. Jessie and James are 17. Come on! ('True romantic' yeah right).

Then it's time for the lovely Jessie goes a mile OOC scene... Ash realizes that crossing over at Bulbasaurs wines are the solution. So we're crossing... but James turn into 'Team Rocket wuss mode' and tells Jessie and Meowth to go on without him. Do they do it? Well whatever Meowth did I don't know, but Jessie tells James (with a very gentle and definately un-Jessie look and voice) that they'll cross together. James begs her never to leave him and she promise she wont. Seems like hse forgot that when she got Otoshi's badges...

And that's more or less it, unless the fact that James sleeps on Jessie's butt later that ep counts too.


The ghost at maidens peak

Boy, is he happy to se her again?!Such a drag... no, not James, but saying the motto alone!Oh wow! She really does care!Hey, that Gastly is SCARY!

Remember the ghost at maidens peak? The chick who both Brock and James fell in love with? It's actually shippy.

Never mind Brock, Brock falls in love with everybody except the ones he are paired with (Misty, Jessie or Delia, Ash's mum. And Tracey, of course...). The fact is that James falls in love with her too. Does Jessie and Meowth give a damn? Nah. But then the ghost comes and kidnaps James in the middle of the night... and the next morning it's time for looking for him! They run into the remains of Team twerp as Brock is gone too outside the shrine by the maiden's peak (you know the cliff with the maiden statue on) and Jessie realizes doing the motto alone is a real drag.

But then James and Brock stumbles out of the shrine, hug each other *adds brocketshipping to list of ships with proofs* and are all over total nutcases. Then Pikachu thundershocks them and they're more or less back to normal. But how to avoid further ghost problems? They buy stickers from the creepy old woman and stick them all over the lovesick ones, and wait. And wait. And wait. And then... she comes!

Scary and stuff, lots of wind blows the stickers away and lifts James and Brock out. Brock is totally happy with it, but James panicks. Still, they're dragged out and it seems like it's the end for them (James screams "I don't want to go! I don't want to go!" all the time), but then Jessie jumps out and shoots the maiden with a bazooka, and they are safe. Of course, James doesn't have anything to do with it (as she tells him when he says "You really do care!"), she just hates girls like that. Like herself then, I guess.


Holy Matrimony

Look, it's Jessie/Belle... or something. This is Jessie, but Jessiebelle basically looks the same.She's either genuinly worried about James, or her butt is really hurting after being kicked out.... and once again Lass- GROWly rescues our heroes.He came back to Jessie! He gave up the money! (boy, is he going OOC here?)Okay, tell me she doesn't have feelings for him! Tell me! Try!

Yay! Jessiebelle! By some astoundishing miracle I like her (don't ask me why, I don't know). Whatever.

We learn that James's dreams of being rich and mighty perhaps aren't all that far fetched... after all, he's the son of the newly deceased couple in the huge mansion! So Jessie and Meowth decides that he needs to get married, because, as Ash tells them, to get his money James has to 'marry some girl'. James isn't too thrilled about the idea, though, so then we gag him, tie him up, put on his tux and drag him inside as we're dressed in invisible suits. Unfortunately Jessie forgot to cover her hair.

It turns out mum and dad aren't dead at all, and that they're absolutely exstatic over having their runaway groom back. So let's meet the girl he's going to marry... Jessiebelle! Now, Jessiebelle basically looks like Jessie, except she has different hair style, jewelery and clothes. And after that, let's go down count our money. Yes we do... but Jessiebella and the folks fooled them! It's no money at all, it's the torture vaulth! Jessie, Meowth and the twerps are knocked out by stun spore from Jessiebelle's Vileplume and she chases James around the room with a whip. My, what a lady...

Then the outsiders release the Growlithe Growly who saves James's butt and round up in his doghouse (which only was about 6 stories tall), Jessiebelle shows up again and blasts off Jessie and Meowth, twerps+growly kick her ass and James leaves his home again.

As this goes on Jessie and Meowth are walking downt he road, both looking heartbroken and talking about how James have left them for money... cute sunset in the background and James comes in the meowth balloon, lifts up Jessie who looks totally un-Jessie there (I think she does). So they say some crap about how they didn't get the money but there's always a next time... and they hold hands and gaze into each others eyes (okay tell me that the way they looked at each other was absolutely non-platonic!)

So happy ending is for once a Team Rocket thing, and we're all convinced we'll see them married. Someday.


Princess vs. Princess (No pickies yet, but I'll find someone eventually)

Some find it shippy, other doesn't. Myself I don't count it in (hey 'The ultimate test was way cuter when James said "This one's for you, Jessie" and woved to do his best for her!), but as some do. I'll mention it all the same. What is shippy? Jessie cries over that she never had any princess dolls when she was a kid, James takes her hands and says that she deserves the dolls and the background go all sparky and stuff. I don't really think it were anything more. Tell me if it were, okay?


The manga

I don't have the time. Really! But I'll do it soon! Promise!


A little important thing to tell: every picture with cute little white "6" in the upper right corners are from the first victim of my "Download pictures without sensing where from" strategy, the webmisstress of "Together Forever" (go to the linksection to see a great site!)