Who's da top cat?


That's right!

This lovely little fleabag is the self - declared "boss" of the group, but it seems more like he's the brains... He doesn't dare to interfere with Jessie (He sure doesn't look like a suicede - candidate to me), so I'll guess he knows his place in the ranking.

Meowth is even more greedy and selfish then his fellow rockets, and he might seem mean and heartless, like Jessie, it's only a cover for his soft side: The story of his life is a very good example for this.

Meowth's first memory was being alone and hungry, and he was really lost and lonely in the world (besides, he was the most adorable kitty!). But then he saw a movie from Hollywood, starring a Meowth feed with chicken and ice cream, and he decided to go there. Unfortunately, Hollywood wasn't what it looked like, and he didn't get his hunger satisfied before a gang alleycats (or rather alleymeowths) led by a Persian, and that's when he started his carrieer as thief. He and his fellows did get lots of food, but Meowth still wanted love...

He did, eventlually, find it, in a rich and spoiled female Meowth called Meowsy, but she didn't want anything to do whith him since he was just a street Meowth, and "he wasn't even human". Dissapointed, but not out of hope, Meowth began to learn to talk and walk on two legs, and he actually did it!

Well, it's a well - known fact that the way to a mans heart goes straight through his stomach, but the path to the woman's isnt' nearly as easy to find: Meowsy thought he was a freak and still refused him. Heartbroken, Meowth decided to go to Team Rocket, since "Rocket" was the first human word he had learned.

For some time, he was "the top cat", but was replaced by a Persian, and he doesn't want to evolve 'cos of his hate for them: Meowsy wouldn't come with him when he met her again since she thought she owed the Persian to stay (he had saved her life when she was abandoned), the girl he was in love with (a human girl (eh?)) choosed a Persian instead of him, and so did Giovanni... Yep, I understand him.