
The REAL "Madam Boss" !

Jessie's name is actually Jessica. It isn't really that important a fact, but James called her that once.
She is 17 years old, and her occupation is diva according to herself, but also, she is a skilled hairstylist, winetaster (or whatever it was), flowerarranger (or something like that) and a bunch of other stuff.

Interesting. But what does she act like in reality?

She is, without any doubt, the Chief, the Queen, the one and only source to power in the group with our favorite villains. But that doesn't make her another Captain Picard. No way. Her job is to boss around James and Meowth.
("This is the day when you have to do all I ask you to do!"
"Isn't it like that all the time?"[or something like that.])

So now lets at the fact that the villains have much deeper life histories than the heroes:
To summarize her life you could as well have wathced a medium episode of Sunset Beach.
It has never been easy for her.
Her childhood was in powerty (her mother feed her with snow because they didn't have anything else, but she actually loved it. Yummy, snow with soy sauce...), and when she was 7 (right?) years old her mother, a famoust Team Rocket agent named Miyamoto, died in an avalanche while she was searching for Mew. Other things we know about her childhood is that she didn't have any friends, that her hair was her only true love (no comment) and that she had a boyfriend. The interesting fact with this boyfriend of hers is that she later on claims that she always searchs for true love but is never able to find it.
Stuff that doesn't make people nice except from in fairytales!
She hated days like the Princess festival and the Children's day. The former since she was the only girl that didn't have any Princess dolls What happened to Jessie the next couple of years is a bit turbid. At some point she was in a nice place with Christmas tree and stuff (where the Jynx of Santa came and took her doll to repair it, but Jessie thought she stole it), and that she was in a nursing school for Chanseys at some point (it does, however, look likt this took place somewhere between Pokèmon Tech and the biker gang, but James wasn't there.)
At the age of 10, however, things was to change: She met James at Pokèmon Tech. (You know that story by now, don't you? Anyway,) they flunked out, and then joined a bicycle gang in a place caller Sunnytown. Jessie was known as "Big Jess" or "Chainer Jessie", and after that she and James joined Team Rocket.
As you can see Jessie has her reasons for being what she is like... or not. My very own opinion here is that if this was so important in making her the person she is we would have known it.
Whatever. We know that she deep inside is a dreamer, and that all her dreams more or less are shattered. She dreams of true love, but is never able to find it, she dreams of being a Pokèmon master, but have to face the reality of getting her ass kicked of a single Pikachu every day, she dreams of wealth and power, but have to beg on her knees to get her salary from her boss...

No, Jessie's life is anything but easy, but that have to mean that she must act so evil?
Not nessesarly, but think about it: If she acted like the girl she has revealed a couple of times all the time, do you think James and Meowth, or the twerps for that case, would have any respect for her at all? No, they would probably thing she just was a whimpering girl and ignored her, more or less. By giving a tough expression, she gets them to listen to her and not to feel sorry for anything.
Also, would it been funny if she acted like James all the time? I don't think so!