Make it Double!

By Kelly Barina

“To protect the world from devastation!” Jessica, the feminine side 
of Team Rocket, began.
“And make it double!” James, the male side, added.
“Oh no! It’s Team Rocket!” Misty cried.
“To protect the world from devastation!”
“To unite all peoples within our nation!”
“To denounce the evils of truth and love!”
“To extend our reach to the stars above!”
“Team rocket blasts off at the speed of light!’
“Surrender now or prepare to fight!”
“Meowth! That’s right!” Meowth, their furry partner, concluded.
“Bombs away!” They shouted. They tossed tiny, yet devastating bombs 
off of their flying balloon. Ash, Misty, Brock, and a small Pikachu 
that belonged to Ash, the youngest trainer out of the trio. 
“Pika-pi!” Pikachu called to its trainer.
“Pikachu! Don’t worry! I’ve got ya!” Ash reassured his frightened 
pokemon as he rushed toward it courageously. 
“Ash, no!” Misty shrieked. Ash scooped the electric mouse into his 
arms…and was blown against the rock hard wall by the blast! Misty 
and Brock dashed over to the fallen Pokemon trainer’s side, 
forgetting their bookbags, which held their prized pokeballs. “Ash, 
are you okay?”
“Pikachu…” Ash muttered, weakly.
“Pikachu? You mean you lost him?” Brock asked.
“Pikachu…” Ash mumbled again.
“Pikachu! Pikachu, where are you?” Misty screamed. 
“Pika! Pikachu!” Pikachu shouted. 
“Look! Team Rocket’s got Pikachu!” Misty cried.
“And our backpacks!” Brock observed. Team Rocket began floating 
skyward with their stolen pokemon. 
“Team Rocket! Bring back my Pikachu!” Ash demanded as he mustered 
the strength to stand boldly.
“In your dreams, twerp!” Jessie snapped.
“Wheezing, Smokescreen now!” James ordered as he set free his 
poisonous pokemon. Wheezing blew a musty gas toward the set of 
three. They coughed as the the stench clogged their lungs. 
When the smoke cleared, they searched franticly for their pokemon. 
They were all gone!
“They’re…gone,” Misty gasped.
* * * * * *
“That was too easy!” Jessie exclaimed.
“Like taking candy from a baby!” James responded.
“The boss’ll be pleased with us!” 
“But who…?” Jessie started, eyeing her teammates suspiciously.
“…Will get…?” James continued.
“…Da credit?” Meowth finished.
“If it wasn’t for me, we never would’ve escaped!” James snapped 
“Well, I threw the bombs!” Jessie countered.
“I captured Pikachu!” Meowth retorted. They glared at each other 
menacingly. Suddenly, James’ expression changed. They had all 
pitched in to help so maybe they each deserved some credit. That 
seemed fair, right?
“We’re a team. We did it together, so we’ll split it evenly.”
“Yeah,” Meowth agreed, a sneer curling his lips.
“I guess so,” Jessie snarled.
“Now come on. Let’s concentrate on our getaway,” James suggested.
“Good idea,” Jessie replied. “Well, they’ll be able to spot us in 
our balloon…”
“…So let’s go on foot! Clear for landing!”
“Roger, Jimmy!” Meowth shouted as he steered the balloon safely onto 
the ground, maneuvering expertly.
Once they all had piled out of the large air balloon, a loud, 
frantic, familiar sound came to their ears.
“Pikachu! Hey, Pikachu! Where are you, buddy?” Ash cried. 
“Pikapi!” Pikachu called in joy. James covered the tiny pokemon’s 
mouth with his rubber glove.
“Oh, no! It’s the twerp trio! Quick! We have to hide!” James hissed.
“Hide where?” Jessie asked.
“Up the tree!” He and Meowth climbed up with ease, but Jessie was 
having some difficulty. She wrapped her arms around the tree and 
tried to pull herself up the trunk, but ended up sliding back down 
instead. “What are you wasting time for, Jess? Hurry up! The twerps 
will be here any minute!”
“I’m wearing a skirt, James, and a very tiny one at that. I can’t 
climb with my stylish outfit. It’s not very ladylike,” Jessie 
“Well, are more worried about getting caught or giving a couple of 
squirrels a sideshow? “ Meowth demanded.
“I’m not worried about that!” Jessie snapped, her cheeks reddening.
“Hey, Ash, did you hear that?” Misty questioned.
“It sounded like voices,” Brock added.
“And it’s coming from over there! Come on!” Ash ordered. Team Rocket 
heard the pounding of footsteps coming closer.
“James, help me up! Help me up!” Jessie whispered franticly. James 
handed Pikachu to Meowth then leaped down from the tree branch and 
took Jess by the waist. “James, what are you doing? Do you have a 
“You could say that,” James replied. “All right, Meowth, do as I 
say. Grab Jessie’s hands and try to lift her up.” Meowth tugged on 
her hands, but didn’t get anywhere.
“Not woikin, James!” 
“Time to switch to plan ‘B’! Jess, try to stand on my shoulders.” 
She placed her feet nervously on his sturdy shoulders, wobbling form 
side to side.
“James, don’t you dare let me fall!” she ordered in fright.
“Don’t worry, Jess. I got you. Now try to jump onto the branch.”
“But…but what if I fall?”
“I’ll catch you! Now jump!” Jessie launched herself off of James and 
onto the branch. She sighed deeply as she placed a hand over her 
“What about you?” she queried in concern
“What about me?” James hid silently behind the thick trunk of an old 
“It’s coming from over here!” Ash responded as he and his friends 
searched. Sweat poured down James’ forehead as he pressed his back 
against a tree trunk nervously. “Look!” 
They had spotted him for sure. Well, there went his ‘flawless’ plan. 
Now what would they have for the Boss? Nothing! He wouldn’t be too 
happy about that. They hadn’t brought him any rare and valuable for 
“Look!” Ash repeated. “It’s a candy wrapper! Which reminds me-we 
haven’t eaten in hours…” 
“Oh, Ash, stop worrying about your stomach! We hafta find Pikachu!” 
Misty yelled in annoyance.
“You’re right. Let’s keep searching. Pikachu! Pikachu!” Their voices 
faded out in the distance and James sighed in relief.
“That was close!” James breathed. 
“James, are you all right?” Jessie asked.
“Fine. Now let’s hurry before they come back!”
“Right! Ya got Pikachu?” Meowth queried.
“It’s in the bag, Meowth,” Jessie replied holding out a bag with 
their stolen pokemon. Then she turned to her fleeing friend. “James, 
why did you save me back there?”
“Would you have preferred me to leave you?”
“No, but…I’ve never done anything like that for you.”
“Well, it’s like I said earlier-we’re a team. A team has to stick 
together. I just hope you’re grateful for that.”
“Why should I be grateful that you saved my life?” James sighed. 
She’d never change.
“I don’t know, Jess. It’s just a thought.”
“Well, leave the thinking to me and keep running!” 
“Aye, aye, Jessie! The Boss’ Headquarters should be this way!” 
“Wait!” Jessie cried out. She stopped in her tracks and pulled out a 
tiny mirror. She peered in at her perfect complexion and gasped in 
shock. “My makeup’s coming off! I need more!”
“More makeup? But that could take forever!” James whined.
“I’m not going anywhere without my makeup!” James folded his arms as 
Meowth paced impatiently. James gazed up at the sky and found that 
it was almost dark.
“If you’re trying to convince me to give it up, you’re wasting your 
“It’s not that. It’s just getting dark out so I think we should just 
set up camp and bring the pokemon to the Boss in the morning.”
“Good idea. I’m glad I thought of it.” They quietly rolled out their 
sleeping bags and drifted off to sleep…

“James,…James,…” a voice called to the resting thief. James stirred 
in his sleeping bag sluggishly.
“Hmm? Huh?” James muttered.
“Wake up!” Meowth hissed. James rubbed the sleep out of his eyes in 
“What do you want, Meowth?”
“Come on! Let’s swipe those pokemon for ourselves! We’ll get in good 
with the Boss and I’ll be top cat again!”
“Hold it, Meowth! We can’t do that!” Meowth clasped a paw over 
James’ mouth.
“Keep your voice down, stupid! You wanna wake her?”
“But Meowth, Jessie deserves some credit too!” 
“So what? Stop askin questions and let’s get goin!” James watched as 
the devious feline approached their stolen pokemon. What could he 
do? Jessie was his teammate! He couldn’t betray her, could he? 
“Wait! Meowth, this doesn’t feel right. I can’t do it.” 
“And why not?” Meowth sighed. James was o difficult. If he hadn’t 
been the only member that knew the way to headquarters, he would’ve 
stole them for himself! 
“James, do you remember the last time we managed to steal sometin? 
Jessie went right under our noses and took em’ to get da credit for 
“Well…,” James trailed off. Meowth had a point. But did he have the 
guts or the backbone to pull it off? 
“Do you want dat to happen again, James?” 
“No, but…oh, all right, Meowth.” James and Meowth tiptoed to where 
they had hidden the pokemon, but to their shock and disbelief 
Pikachu and the others were gone! 
“Do u think Jess got to them already?”
“Nope. Look dere.” Meowth pointed to a limp rope lying on the floor. 
“Pikachu must’ve broken free and taken the rest of da pokemon!”
“Look, Meowth! He missed two!” 2 tiny pokeballs lying on the ground. 
James picked them up and observed them keenly. “I guess this’ll have 
to do.”
“James? Meowth? Where are you?” a voice came from camp.
“She’s awake!” Meowth gasped. Meowth and James took off into the 
night with their stolen goods.
“James?” She checked on their priceless items and to her shock and 
disbelief, they were missing! “Those traitors!”
* * * * * * *
As Meowth and James rushed through the darkness, panting for air, 
James clutched the pokeballs tightly to his chest. He 
felt…different. Weird. Almost…guilty. He knew that Team Rocket 
members had to strive to do wrong, but to his own teammate? 
“Meowth, I think we should turn back. Jessie’s…”
“Shut up and keep moving!” Meowth ordered. James pursed his lips in 
protest, but continued after Meowth. Well, he was already this far. 
There was no turning back for him, but he couldn’t help 
“Quit daydreaming!” Meowth snapped.
“I’m going, Meowth. I’m going.” James fed him up sometimes. If only 
he knew the way to Headquarters himself. Then he wouldn’t hafta deal 
with that idiot. At least he wouldn’t have to be with him much 
longer. Once James led him to the Boss, he’d ditch him, just like he 
did to Jessie. He would do anything to be top cat again…anything.
* * * * * 
“Pikachu! Pikachu! Where are you, Buddy?” Ash called.
“Team Rocket couldn’t have gotten too far!” Misty shouted to Ash. 
“If anything’s happened to them, I’ll never forgive myself. Oh, Ash, 
what’ll we do?” Misty sobbed. 
“I wish I knew, Misty.” 
“Don’t give up hope yet! They’re here somewhere!” Brock encouraged. 
Suddenly, a shadowy figure leaped out of the bushes and before the 
unsuspecting trainers. Misty clung onto Ash’s arm in fright. 
“Wh-who are you?” Ash stuttered.
The tiny form walked over to them and squeaked out, “Pika-pi.”
* * * * * *
“We’ve brought you some rare and valuable pokemon, sir,” James 
“Excellent. Where are they?” Giovanni demanded.
“Here, sir.” James humbly handed the pokemon to his feared and 
respected Boss. Giovanni released them from their pokeballs and was 
angered to find Bulbasuar and Squirtle inside.
“Is this your idea of a joke?”
“No, sir. I thought…”
“You thought?! Well, you thought wrong, James! You can have these 
misfits!” He hurled the balls back at James and he caught them in 
disbelief. He pressed a button on his intercom. 
“Dispose of these two! They are of no use to me!”
James glanced out form the corner of his eye at Meowth nervously. 
Two members immediately rushed into the office and took hold of 
James and Meowth.
“But, Boss,” Meowth pleaded. “We did manage to steal des two! We’ll 
do better next time! We promise!”
Boss Giovanni folded his arms across his chest and pondered as 
Meowth and James struggled to get away.
“Wait. They may be useful after all.”
“Yes, Boss Giovanni,” they acknowledged as they released them. They 
sighed in relief. 
“I have decided to give you one last chance to redeem yourselves. I 
am placing you with a more experienced member. She will show you how 
it is done. This is your last chance. Don’t screw up again. 
“Yes, sir!” They responded fearfully.
“Good. Send Rachel in,” Giovanni barked into the intercom.
“I have one last question though…” James began timidly. Giovanni 
stared threateningly at him.
“It will only take a second,” he added quickly. “What will happen to 
“Team Rocket has no need for members like her.” He immediately 
requested the presence of all of his most successful members in his 
office through the intercom. 
“Jessica has been officially excommunicated from Team Rocket. But 
she may know too much. I want you to scour the globe for this 
fugitive and eliminate her. Notify me as soon as you find her.”
“But Jess did nothing wrong!” James protested on his friend’s 
behalf. He felt the cold glares of all present in the office staring 
down on him. “Well, in my eyes anyway.”
“Now go and don’t disappoint me.” A beautiful teenage girl strolled 
into the room as the troops marched out.
“Oh, am I late?” she asked.
“No, Raquel. You’re right on time. I would like to introduce your 
new teammate, James.”
“Hello, James. I will do my best in teaching him.”
“See that you do.” Raquel lead him from Headquarters, chattering on 
and on about anything and everything.
“Wow! What a knockout! She’s an improvement compared to Jess!” 
Meowth hissed. If he ever wanted to see Jess again, he had to act 
fast. Time was running out for the former Team Rocket trio! 
“Ah ha! Now I’ve found you!” a familiar voice shouted.
“Jess! What are you doin’ here?” Meowth exclaimed in shock.
“I’m getting my share of the credit; that’s what I’m doing!” she 
retorted as she glared angrily at him.
“Jess, please go. You’re in danger. Just run,” James begged.
“Oh, don’t give me that! I know what you’re doing! I’m not stupid, 
“Jessie, please just trust me on this one, okay?”
“No! I’ve had enough of your games!” Suddenly, a whole army of Team 
Rocket members rushed out and surrounded Jessie guns raised. 
“Ready…aim…FIRE!!!” they shouted. A thick cloud of fog immediately 
engulfed them as the shots were heard.
“Jessie! Jessie, no!” James cried. 
“Ha ha! You think it’s that easy to get rid of the great Jessica? I 
think not!” Jessie cackled. “As for you, James, don’t think you’ve 
seen the last of me!” 
“It’s been nice knowing you, James,” Meowth responded, a chill going 
down his spine. 
“Don’t worry, partner, I’ll make sure you never have to lay eyes on 
her ever again,” Raquel assured him as she wrapped her arms around 
him defensively. James glanced at the teenager before him and back 
into the fog where jess had disappeared into and wondered whether 
that was good or bad. 
* * * * *

Jessie staggered through the forest, running from her former best 
friend. Why was she running? Where could she go? She was running 
from James, the one person who knew her better than she knew 
herself! He knew everything about her!
Maybe she should just turn herself in. Nobody would miss her anyway. 
Both of her very best friends had already betrayed her, so there was 
no point in fighting it. Besides, if she didn’t turn herself in to 
James, Cassidy and Butch would catch her. 
There was one thing she just didn’t understand though- why? After 
all that they had been through, why did he betray her? Why? How 
could he? She had trusted him and he had turned around and stabbed 
her repeatedly. First when he stole from her and yet again when he 
took her job from her and turned the entire headquarters against 
And why was that girl he was with? Had he found a replacement for 
her already? Then she rammed into a tall figure and they both 
collapsed onto the ground. She had been too deep in thought to 
notice anyone in her path.
The figure got to his feet and hovered over Jessie menacingly. It 
was probably one of the members of Team Rocket out to get her. Oh 
well. There was no use in fighting it now. She might as well give 
“So, Jessie, we meet again,” the figure replied. His voice seemed 
strangely familiar. Was it Butch? Nope. Not deep enough. James? 
No…it was somewhat…younger. Could it be…? “So where’s my Bulbasaur? 
And my Squirtle?” Yes! It was the twerp!
“How should I know?” Jessie snapped. “Ask the love birds!”
“Huh? What are you talking about?” Brock demanded.
“I’ve been fired, okay? I’ve been replaced by a snotty little brat!”
“So you mean James and Meowth have Ash’s pokemon?” Misty questioned 
“Which part of it didn’t you understand?” 
“I don’t believe you.”
“Fine then. Don’t believe me. Search me if you want. You’ll find 
nothing.” Ash, Misty and Brock huddled together discussing their 
next move.
“Now what?” Brock asked.
“We’re gonna have to believe her. There’s no other possible answer. 
This time she may actually be telling the truth,” Ash said.
“But what if she’s lying?”
“Well, what have we got to lose?” 
“You’re pokemon, that’s what!” Misty retorted.
“We’ve got no other choice, Misty. We have to give it a shot.” They 
turned back to Jessie.
“Do you know where James and Meowth are?” Ash queried.
“No,” she sighed. “But don’t worry. They’ll show up sooner or later 
to get me.”
“To get you? Why?” Misty questioned in concern. “I though you two 
were friends!”
“Were friends,” Jessie sneered. “ That friendship ended the day he 
took those pokeballs and partnered up with that…girl.” 
Ash and Misty glanced at each other realizing the truth-Team Rocket 
had indeed separated and now the biggest challenged laid before 
them-finding James and his new partner before it was too late. 
* * * * * *
Days past, and Ash and co. hadn’t seen a trace of the newly formed 
Team Rocket. They were as diabolical as ever. Robbing banks, swiping 
rare and valuable pokeballs, and stealing everything else they could 
get their hands on. Rachel had taught James well. Too well, in fact. 

Jess couldn’t imagine where they could be. All of her training in 
Team Rocket hadn’t helped her one bit. Not at all. Where was he? Did 
he miss her as much as she missed him?
“Oh, where are they?” Ash sighed in despair. 
“I don’t know, but my feet are killing me!” Misty whined. “And it’s 
so cold!”
“You should’ve brought a jacket!” Ash snapped, but when he looked at 
the shivering girl, he felt concern for her so he removed his vest 
and handed it to her. “Here, Misty. It’s not much, but I hope it 
She took it thankfully and wrapped it around her shoulders. She 
peered keenly at the trainer from Pallet town in awe. 
“Thank you, Ash”
“Yeah. Don’t mention it.” Misty smiled at him and pulled the vest 
tighter against her to keep warm as Ash tried to hide his blushing 
“Jessica, freeze!” a Team Rocket member ordered as a whole army 
surrounded her. Jessie bravely stepped forward to meet her fate.
“Jessie, what are you doing?” Ash asked.
“I’m doing what I should’ve done a long time ago-given up. I can’t 
run from James or from Team Rocket. I got myself into this, and I’m 
going to get myself out,” Jessie stated.
“You’re ours, Jessie!” the member cried, lifting his pistol to her 
as she matched his gaze. Well, they had her. No way to escape now. 
She felt as though James himself was hovering over her with the gun, 
hand gripping the trigger…pulling it…
* * * * * * *
James and Meowth stood quietly before their Boss with Raquel by 
their side. James stared at the ground his mind wandering as the 
Boss spouted praises about his and Meowth’s improvement.
“You two are doing wonderful. I am proud to have you two honoring 
Team Rocket the way you are. You’ve managed to steal so many pokemon 
that I’m even considering to forget all of the numerous times you 
failed…James…Meowth,” he scolded.
“Don’t worry, Boss! We’ll keep it up!” Meowth replied hastily.
“See that you do.”
“Sir!” came a voice from a walkie-talkie on Boss Giovanni’s desk.
“Yes? What is it?”
“We’ve found Jessica. What should we do with her?”
“Kill her.”
“Are you sure, Sir?”
“What?!” James gasped. “You can’t!”
“And why not, James?”
“Yes! Why not, James?” Raquel challenged angrily. 
James bit his tongue, struggling to keep his feelings inside him. He 
wanted to say so many things. Because she’s my friend! Because I 
never want to lose her! Because I love her! But he couldn’t find the 
courage to speak back to his feared Boss.
“Because I…I…,” James stuttered. Raquel glared at him jealously. She 
wanted him for herself and she knew already where this was heading. 
She had to have him! He didn’t belong to anyone else, but her-much 
less that sorry excuse for a Team Rocket member!
“Because why?” Raquel continued. “Because you love her?”
“Well,…” James blushed.
“Sir?” the member questioned again.
“So it’s true?” she gasped. “How could you, James? It was supposed 
to be just us!”
“<Er-hem>!” Meowth protested.
“And Meowth. What do you see in her that I don’t have?”
“Well,…I see…Jessie. Nobody can ever replace her.”
“James,…I love you. Has this ‘Jessie’ ever said that to you?” she 
“Well,…no, but…”
“Sir?” the member continued.
“Never mind. Bring her here,” Giovanni ordered.
“Yes, sir.” Minutes later, the members burst into headquarters 
holding Jessie captive, while Ash, Misty, and Brock followed. They 
roughly tossed their prisoner onto the floor. James winced as Jessie 
lifted herself back to her feet.
“Jess, I…” Jessie turned her back to James and stared at Boss 
Giovanni so that she wouldn’t be caused any pain by looking at him. 
Giovanni threw a loaded gun toward James. He caught it and glanced 
at his Boss in confusion.
“James, to prove your loyalty to Team Rocket, I want you to dispose 
of this excess baggage for me,” Giovanni commanded, pointing at 
“But, sir…,” James began.
“Come on, James. Do it for me. Please,” Raquel begged, grinning. 
“I…” He glanced from the pistol in his hand to the trembling girl 
before him.
“Go ahead, James. Show your…loyalty,” Jessie encouraged, daring him 
to shoot. Her piercing blue eyes stared right into his soul as he 
racked his brain for the right answers. 
What could he do? What should he do? Then it hit him. He couldn’t 
hurt her. She was a part of him. A part he couldn’t live without. No 
matter what the cost, he couldn’t-wouldn’t-lose her.
“I…can’t,” James responded as he threw the gun back at Giovanni. 
Jessie stared at him in amazement. “Jess, I…”
“James, what about…?” Jessie queried.
“I know, I know being stupid by letting the job of a lifetime slip 
through my fingers, but…that’s what love does to you,” James laughed 
softly. Suddenly, he felt the grip of Giovanni’s henchmen on his 
shoulder. The time had come for him and Jess. 
“No, Boss! Not James!” Raquel pleaded, her eyes brimming with tears.
“What do you have in mind for them?” Giovanni sighed.
“How about me and Jessie have a pokemon battle to decide who gets to 
stay on Team Rocket?”
“Fine. Get started and make it fast, Raquel.”
“A two on two pokemon battle! Let’s go-Slowbro!” Raquel shouted as 
she tossed her pokeball onto the ground and Slowbro popped out.
“Go, Arbok! Glare!” Arbok stared down the large pokemon and 
paralyzed it. “Now wrap it!” The spikes dug into the snake and it 
yelped in pain.
“Slowbro, mega punch!” The pokemon whacked into Arbok and he fell 
onto the ground, unconscious. 
“One down. One to go,” Raquel smirked confidently.
“Arbok, return! Go, Lickitung! Lick that Slowbro! Show that little 
brat who’s boss!” She recalled her injured pokemon and sent out her 
Lickitung. Her opponent’s Slowbro immediately fainted once Lickitung 
made contact.
“Not bad for a beginner. Now here’s the real challenge. Go, 
Arcanine!” Ash cringed.
“Arcanine’s too powerful! Be careful, Jessie!” he warned.
“I will be!” she assured him. “Lickitung, wrap it!” Lickitung lunged 
toward Arcanine, but the quick legendary pokemon dodged its attack. 
“Finish it off, Arcanine! Ember!” Flames burst from his mouth and 
scorched Lickitung. Lickitung swayed dizzily, ready to drop.
“No, Lickitung…,” James begged. Lickitung collapsed onto the floor.
“I can’t believe I lost,” Jessie breathed in shock. 
“Ha! I won! Looks like the end of the line for you, Jessie!” Raquel 
cackled. Ash expertly twisted his cap backwards and stepped forward 
in Jessie’s defense as Pikachu climbed onto his shoulder.
“Not yet it isn’t! 
“Pika!” Pikachu agreed.
“Go, Pidgeot!” Ash yelled.
“You too, Poliwhirl!” Misty added, but instead of her faithful water 
pokemon, her dim-witted Psyduck came out. “I wanted Poliwhirl not 
you! Well, since you’re out, you might as well try.”
“Arcanine, take down!” It obediently charged at Ash and Misty’s 
“Pidgeot, look out!” Ash cried. The bird flew out of his path and 
awaited his next command. Arcanine rammed into Psyduck instead. “Now 
use sand attack!” Sand and dust circled Arcanine, blocking his view 
of his opponents.
“Arcanine, tackle that thing!” Raquel screamed. Arcanine leaped out 
of the tornado of sand and smashed into Misty’s pokemon.
“Psyduck!” she cried, rushing to his side. “It’s okay. You tried.” 
Suddenly Psyduck’s eyes began to glow a sinister shade of yellow and 
Raquel and Arcanine froze.
“It’s Psyduck’s disable attack!” Brock exclaimed. Then the pair were 
hurled into the sky as a result of Psyduck’s confusion attack.
“Looks like Team Rocket’s blasting off again!” Raquel screamed.
“You’re the best, Psyduck!” Misty gushed, hugging her prized pokemon 
tightly. Then his eyes began to glow once again. “Psyduck?”
“It’s evolving,” Brock breathed in awe. Psyduck finally evolved into 
“Wow! I’ve got my very own Golduck!” Misty squealed in delight. Ash 
approached James.
“The pokeballs, James,” Ash replied.
“Oh, darn. I hoped you wouldn’t notice,” James smiled as he handed 
Ash Bulbasaur and Squirtle. 
“Thanks, James.”
“Don’t mention it. Twerp,” James grinned.
“Jessie…,” Giovanni started.
“Yes, Boss,” Jessie responded timidly.
“<Sigh> this is your last chance. Your last chance.”
“Oh, thank you, sir! I won’t let you down!”
“Jessie,…I’m sorry,” James apologized sincerely, shuffling his feet 
around and staring at the floor so he wouldn’t have to make eye 
contact with her. “For everything. I just…” She covered his mouth.
“Shut up, James. Just shut up. We’re friends. We’ll always be 
friends. Truthfully, I…I love ya. There. I said it. Are you happy 
now, James? Now you have me telling the truth!”
“So you mean you forgive me?”
“Of course.” He held out his hand to her invitingly. 
“Friends?” Without a moments hesitation, she shook it. 
“Friends. Always.” Ash and Misty smiled at each other. The dynamic 
duo-reunited once again. And for always.
“Hey! You forgot about Meowth!” Meowth yelled.

The End!