< Delia Ketchum

Delia Ketchum


*It's in a TV - studio or something, I'm sitting in a chair in the middle of the room with another one facing me. The entire Pokèmon cast there too, as Delia enters*

Me: Hello, Delia, please take a seat.

Delia: Why, thank you, dear!

Me: So, let's just start right away: What is your civil status?

Delia: I'm singe with one child, my son Ash who's a pokèmo---

Me: Yadda yadda yadda, we all know that, the interesting stuff: When was the last time you had some?

Delia:*sweatdrops* I don't understand, dear…

Me: (under my breath) Yeah like hell you don't…(normal) when was the last time you had some male company?

Delia: Well…*smiles sheepishly* That sure was an… interesting question…

Me: Yep. Answer.

Delia: Well… I would have to say that…*mumbles something unrecognizable*

Me: What?

Delia: Oh, look, what a nice Pidgey!

Me: That's a damn gull, we're inside and in the pokèmon world so don't ask me how it got here and don't change the subject!

Delia: What's a gull?

Me: Nevermind. What did you say?

Delia: *very weakly* Last Friday…

Me: Oh well. Next question: Where do you get money from?

Delia: *developing an even larger sweatdrop* Err…

Me: *very fast* Is it A) You have something on with Giovanni, B)You have something on with Professor Oak, C)You're the pimp for Gary's sister and his cheerleaders, D)You cheated with stockworking ten years ago, E)You're really the leader of Team Rocket and Giovanni is only one of your henchmen, F)You're a famous author that's sold tons of erotic novels, G)You're a porn star, H)You owe The Walt Disney Company, I)You owe Nintendo and the entire Pokèmon stuff, J)You owe Spice Girls, K)You owe all of them and are planning to capture the world with them, L)You're a drug seller, M)You're Bill Gates in drag, N)Jessiebelle paid you for keeping James on track of Ash so they always know where to find him, O)You're Unca Scrooge's little slut, P)You know Superman's secret identity and he bribes you to shut you up, Q)You're Polgara the Sorceress reincarnated even though she never really died as far we know and then can make yourself all money you want, R)You're blackmailing Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny for their secret relationship, S) You're blackmailing Jessie and James for their non - platonic relationship, T)You're blackmailing Giovanni for not turning him in to Officer Jenny U)You strip in Celadon Gamecorner every Friday night V) You invented the Pokèmon storage system by PC and just gave Bill the honor since you didn't want a lot of fuss about it, W)You're singing for Madonna and she's faking since she can't sing if her life depended of it X)You're Fiorello Cappuchino's mother too, Y)You're tomatoes are genesplitced and the government are paying you for trying them out on the nearby environment, Z)Either. ?

*Professor Oak, Giovanni, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Jessie, James and Jessiebelle starts to squirm*

Delia: Uh…

Me: You have to answer…

Delia: Well, there are several reasons…

Me: Did I list any of them?

Delia: Eh… yeah…

Me: Which ones?

Delia: *extremely fast* abnrs.

Me: Didn't hea---

Professor Oak, Giovanni, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Jessie, James and Jessiebelle: We did! Next question!

Me: *scowls at them, but shrug* okay then… Who is Ash's father?

Delia: To be honest about that…

Me: Yes, honesty is a nice thing…

Delia: Well, it can't be that bad, I guess.

Me: So?

*Everybody's ears are perching*

Delia: It is the guy with the white headband with a bow on.

Me: The dude that was in the first episode, and one of the pokèmon league ones?

Delia: *nods* yes, him.

*Everybody looks disappointed*

Me: Okay! Next question: How can you stand that annoying and ugly Mr. Mime of yours?

Delia: Well… he does the housework…

Me: Yeah, but Brock did for a while too, and you didn't keep him!

Delia: First, young lady, you're not supposed to know that, and second, I'm starting to get tired of your rude questions!

Me: That wasn't rude at all! Unless… Oh EWW!!!

Delia: Oops… *giggles nervously*

Me: Does anybody really want to know?

Brock: Yeah!

Me: You doesn't count. Let's go on then…Are you never bored of walking around alone in your house without any company or real work?

Delia: You doesn't know how much company there is in a nice hobby. Take me and my tomato breading, as an example…

Me: Whoops, time's out! Gotta go! *runs of before Delia gets to say anything more*