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Updates Updates

This is my updates page. I'll put all updates on the site in here.

4/5/01 Bleh! Long time no update. x.x well we struck another 100 hits, but no one asked for a kiribian, so....x.X If anyone could donate Izumi Koushiro pics PLEASE DO SO x.X I have very little.
3/29/01I added 2 pictures to the shrine, and I got an award! Whoooo! We're racking up hits here, almost time for another kiribian! Yah! I also updated About Blaide. That's it! More soon! btw, every 3 updates, I delete one that way there are only 3 updates on the page. ^-^
Tis about time for an update 'eh? Well, About Blaide is up, as well as Submissions. I am working on another song fic, and I'm about to have to draw another kiribian (^-^!!!!!) So keep coming! Thanks to everyone who contributed to my kiribianess! (lack of words. x.o; )
