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About Blaide
About Blaide

Name: o.o I have forgotten...nah, tis Adam.
Sex: Male
Age: 12
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 5"5
Earlier Web Names: Blaide o.o;
Other Info.: Well uh, I had a recent site called "Izzy's Room" It was a one page info page about Izzy. I also had one called Izzy's Domain, which had lots of Izzy pics, etc. This site was inspired by PataPat's Island, Patamon410's Island. So please visit it!
My Digimon is my own. I made it, and it is copyrighted by me! See I went through paperwork and all just to get it copyrighted! ::throws papers at you:: His name is Decademon. ::squeezes him:: He's so cute, and lovable, and adorable and...OH! Sorry, well, anyways, he's just the most awsome Digimon there is! I'd make a webpage for him, but it would take a lot of drawings, and I don't have that great of a scanner...;-; till then, this will do! I LOVE YA DECADEMON! lol, ^-^

o.o; All rights reservered.
