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Tenchi’s Pokemon Realm!!!

Welcome to the coolest Tenchi Muyo and Pokemon site on the web.

Hello I see u’ve found my my very first webpage it is still a little bit rough and is still under major construction so enjoy. There will be recent new that will be updated daily, so check back as often as possible. Right now this site is undergoing heavy construction. While ur here please sign the guestbook at the bottom!!!!! All the POKEMON things are at the bottom, so don't think this is only a Tenchi Muyo site only!!!!!

Todays News( Any new more than a week old will go to the public forum)


Heh i've been busy with school and with the Pokemon games so i haven't been around to update. Perhaps i'll be able to update a christmas. Any ways i'm probably at in the Pokemon Gold/SIlver message boards area, and on Nov 15,2000 i'll be at chat room for Pokemon. If u can't locate me than Aim me. BYE BYE<((_-)))>

Sept. 26,2000

POKEMON LIVE will be airing very soon so check ur local newpaper.

My Gundam Section is practically uo but i got to get some grouppics but i'm so lazy and i've got school too.

Order a Pokemon gold or Silver with a strategy guide , some toys and 12 issues of nintendo for only $49.95 US or &(.95 CAN. NOW THATS A GREAT PRICE if u want to buy all those extra stuff but personally i don't need it.~_^ I'm too good to use a strategy guide. OH i almost forgot here is where u order:Official Pokemon Site.


~_^ i just got some escaflowne pics and get ready for gundam sometime next week.

For Pokemon news at Sydney Ian of USA made it to the finals without losing a single battle, but suffered a crashing defeat at the finals by placing last in the finalist section.


Sorry for not updating , i guess u all thought i was dead or something. There are 2 reasons why i couldn't update is because i got school work and i had to upgrade my site to get more MB

I just added a couple more fan art and i'm getting bored so i'm gonna expand this site into the ESCAFLOWNE section so get ready for some more anime.

I also added a couple more midis in some places that didn't have any

You won't see an update from me for 1 week later since i have a science project due this week and two more projects due next week


This place has pics and info on all ur favourite pokemon and tenchi muyo characters. This includes gymleaders, Ash, Misty, Brock, Tracey, Jesse, James, Prof Oak, Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy, Tenchi, Ryoko, Aeka, Sasami, Minoshi, Kiyone, Achika, Washu and many many more to come………Here are some EXAMPLES


This Pokedex has all the Pokemon that Trainer Tenchi has caught.

Escaflowne Pics

This section is where i put all my ESCAFLOWNE pics.

Group Pics

Fan Art

This place is for anyone that likes anime and want to show it than u can send it to

Fan Fics

Please send in ur fanfics for my website. It can be any type of story u want and i'll give u all the credit. Please send ur fan fics to

Prof. Oaks' strategies for Pokemon battling

Learn everything u need to know about battling. Also u can submit ur own strategies and Oak will put it up and give u the credit. (Note: not everyone will be put in if Oak doesn’t think it is up to his standards.)

Fun Center

Tour Viridian city and Join Officer Jenny at the Viridian Police Station to catch all the team rockets.

Join Nurse Joy by going to the Pokemon Center and send ur pics of an injured Pokemon and I’ll Nurse Joy will heal it back for u.

Adoption House has all the pokemon and kritters that I, Tenchi adopted. Come to my house and take a look at what they’re doing. They’ll be doing something-different everyday, so check them out daily.

Trainer Zone: Help trainer Tenchi to capture every pic of each Pokemon.

Trainer’s Journal: Tenchi will start the journal for the first day of his Pokemon journey. U could be a lucky winner to finish the story for the next day. Trainer Tenchi will give u credit for ur work that u’ve written and evryone has one week to submit to me there story for the next chapter of the story. (I can’t guarantee I will be able to read everyone’s email because I get so much email and I have to go to school)

War Zone: Duke it out with trainer Tenchi. Do u have what it takes to beat me than email me and we’ll have a battle (note: only AOL members)

Polls: Come on and take a look and vote for ur most favourite thing like, Who is ur favourite character? Please submit ur ideas for a new poll.


About Me

I see that ur interested in me, Tenchi. If u want to know more about me than click Tenchi

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