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Fuchia City

once your in Fuschia City, The first thing you should do is go beat Koga, the poison gym leader. If you picked Bulbasaur this will be an easy task, Bulbasaur is almost completely immune to poison, for Charmander or Squirtle I'd suggest a Victreebell or Vileplume depending on which version you have. There are invisible walls here so you'll have to fight at least 3 trainers if you don't know where you're going. now I can't give exact directions but here’s what you do, first go above the Pokémon statue and carefully walk to the right. Hug the right wall and walk up, you'll have to fight a Juggler. After you beat him go to the top wall and walk left, You'll have to fight another trainer here. Now carefully walk right and down to get to Koga. Now, I'm doing this from memory but his Pokémon should be around level 35-40.He'll have poison Pokémon so carry allot of antidotes unless using Bulbasaur. For beating him you receive the SOUL BADGE, the defense of your Pokémon increases a little and it allows you to use SURF. Next you should go to the Safari Zone. Here there are many Pokemon that can only be caught here, but first you must find the GOLD TEETH and the SURF HM. Get in there and get on your bike and ride East, now from here ride to the hill and up onto it, ride West and off of it, from here ride Northeast and then Westwhen you get to the wall. Now you should go Northwest over another hill, you should be in a spot where there are 3 mini-lakes, you must go Northeast around the Lakes, there should be a sign next to a bush barrier that says "Trainer Tips: The secret house is still ahead!". Go South and you should find a Pokéball item which is the GOLD TEETH, from there go Northwest until you see a house, go inside and a man should give you the SURF HM. Try to go outside (Time should have run out by now) and go to the Warden's house. Give him the teeth and he'll hand you the STRENGTH HM. A Rare Candy is in the ball on the other side of the room. Next door to the warden is the Fishing Guru's brother. get the GOOD ROD from him. Go in his backyard and fish out some Pokémon. Go West and go on the Cycle Road and go up to Celadon City. Save your game and try to catch the Snorlax. Take a Pokémon with CUT and cut the nearby bush, go around the back and a woman there will give you the FLY HM. Equip SURF on either Lapras or a Water Pokémon you don't really need. Now, if you're still in Celadon City go to the grass patch just before the Cycling Road and catch a bird. Equip FLY to it and fly to Pewter City, Go North to the Museum and CUT the bush in the front. In the back talk to the guy near the item on the pedestal. He'll give it to you. Now its time to go to Cinnabar Island.

Cinnabar Island

First you must FLY to Pallet Town. Save your game and go South. From here SURF down south, you should eventually find Cinnabar Island. Here you'll want to take the fossil from earlier and go into the research center to the left of the Pokécenter. Go to the 3rd door down and give the man in the back a fossil, go to the Mart and then back into the center to pick up your new Pokémon. Repeat with the amber and you'll get Aerodactyl. Now go and heal your Pokémon, buy some supplies, buy some Burn heals, and save. Go into the burned out building (This is a rough walkthrough, not exact) in here, go North and examine the statue(A), it should have a switch, press it and go upstairs. Do the same on this floor (Read the notes if you wish, they tell the story of Mew and Mewtwo). On the 3rd floor you should press the switch and go South, don't fight the scientist but instead go(there are two exits, a big one to the left and a smaller one to the right) take the exit to the left, you should land on the 1st floor but in an area you couldn’t get to. Defeat the scientists and get the Secret Key. Now exit the building (If you have an Escape Rope its better) and you can now fight Blaine, the Fire gym leader (Most of the Pokémon are level 34 or above).If you chose Squirtle or Charmander this will be a cinch. Use A strong Water Pokémon or a semi-strong water Pokémon and a semi-strong fire Pokémon to absorb the damage. You will have to defeat almost every trainer here to advance. Blaine's Pokémon should be about level 40 or above (I'm doing most of this from memory). He'll use either Ninetails or Arcanine depending on your version, other pokémon as well like Rapidash, and Ponyta. The VOLCANO BADGE increases your Pokémon's abilities a little. Now your ready to go to the Seafoam Islands.

Seafoam Islands

From the Pokecenter, heal your Pokémon and go to the Mart. First prepare with Ice Heals, the highest potion at that time,2 escape ropes, and lots of Ultra balls.Take a Fire Pokémon(Ponytas a great choice if you don't have Charmander),an Electric Pokémon (A well leveled Pikachu or Raichu is good),a Pokémon with STRENGTH, a Pokémon with SURF,and Your starting Pokémon (If you don't have Charmander),you should also bring a high level Butterfree or a high level grass Pokemon (With sleep powder).SURF East until you get to the Seafoam Islands. Here prepare to face level 50 Pokémon(They won't all be level 50 but I know one will...).Save and go inside, then get on your Bike and ride downstairs. Ride until you reach the water and SURF, you should be swept into another screen. Go East and you should see a blank space(only a 1 step space) search it and you should find an item. From there do North and get onto land, get on your Bike and Ride West (Not up the stairs) and go up the new set of stairs (DO NOT SURF! You'll be swept away).You should go Southeast and Push the Top Left boulder North 2 spaces, Push the opposite boulder you just pushed into the hole (but don't go in yourself). And push the remaining boulder in the hole opposite to the one you just were using. Once you've completed that, jump in the hole. Now SURF North until you reach a island with a Pokémon just standing there. Save your game and fight him, use your fire Pokemon and weaken him.Now take the Pokémon with sleep powder and put him to sleep. Now throw Ultra Balls until you catch him (Make sure you do or else you'll have to start all over). Articuno is level 50 and very difficult to beat, also he only appears once per game (like all other Pokémon just standing there).Now use an escape rope and save.

Viridian City 2

From Cinnabar Island Fly to Viridian City. Save and go to the gym. Squirtle and Bulbasaur will easily beat all Pokémon in here, Charmander should be substituted for a high level bird Pokémon (level 50 Fearow is a good choice) a high level Water or Grass Pokémon (In here either is good). I won't reveal the gym leader for spoiler reasons but his/her Pokémon are: Dugtrio, Kangaskhan, Nidoking, Nidoqueen,and 2 others I don't remember. Beating him/her gives you the EARTH BADGE which makes all Pokémon obey. Now that you have all 8 badges, go to Pokémon league.

Pokémon League/Victory Road

You'll have to fight Gary along the way to Victory Road. He's hard but easy enough to beat. You have to bring a Pokémon with STRENGTH and one with SURF. Bring some Ultra Balls, Max Potions, Escape Ropes, and a few Full Heals. Now go through Victory Road and be careful (Moltres is in there but I cannot give directions).I can't give directions but here’s some tips:

1.If you see a boulder with somewhere to push it, Do it,

2.Try To avoid trainers because its hard enough without them,

3.Try to run from most battles, the enemies here are just too strong to

fight them all. Once through victory road you'll be at Indigo Plateau. >