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29 Nidoran (female)

type grass/poison

Evolution   Nidoran lv.16  Nidorina (moon stone)  Nidoqueen

Yellow         Red/Blue            Attack                   Type
-                      -                         Growl                         Nrm
-                      -                         Tackle                        Nrm
8                     8                         Scratch                       Nrm
17                    14                        Poison Sting                Psn
23                   21                       Tail Whip                    Nrm
30                   29                       Bite                             Nrm
38                    36                       Fury Swipes                Nrm
12                   43                       Double Kick               Ftg

Tm 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 20, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 40, 44, 50

Hm none

Red Lv.3+4 on route 22, and in safari zone; Blue Lv.2-4 on route 22, and in safari zone; yellow lv.2-4 route 22, lv.4-6 on route 2, and in safari zone.