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Here is the basic types weakness guide.  1/2 means half 2 means double.  All the pokemon types are listed on the left side and the attack types run across the top.

  Nrm Fire Wtr Ice Grs Elc Rock Grd Fgt Bug Pos Fly Psy Gst
Normal                 2         x
Fire   1/2 1/2   1/2   2 2   1/2        
Water   1/2 1/2 1/2 2 2                
Grass   2 1/2 2 1/2 1/2   1/2   2 2 2    
Electric           1/2   2       1/2    
Ground     2 2 2 x 1/2       1/2      
Fighting             1/2     1/2   2 2  
Bug   2     1/2   2 1/2 1/2   2 2    
Poison         1/2   4 2 1/2 2 1/2   2  
Psychic     1/2       2   1/2 2     1/2 x
Dragon   1/2   2 1/2 1/2 2