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Starting Pokémon
Pokédex(under constrution)
Card Maker
Join The Pokétron Webring
Pokétron Mail

The Pokétron Newsleter
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Welcome to Pokétron!
March 13th: We got a Kirby Clokc its the best i could do til i can find a pikachu one sorry.

March 3rd: Um,,,,, sorry for not updating but i couldn't log into my account. Well I found a new server for the big updat in well now i made it 50 days. And someone joined the Webring!!!!!! I know you people care!

Feb. 29th: PLEASE JOIN the webring. I need to know if people are goingo to my site, or if I'm just updatining it too much. I have a new link! And I made a pokémail link. I also added Charmander to the pokédex.

Feb. 23rd: In one month, four weeks 28 days, um alot of hours, minutes and seconds. Pokétron will discover a new island with TOP SITES, COMPLETE POKéDEX, ALL 251 ICONS, NEWSLETTER and alot more!

Feb. 22nd: I fixed the pictures. I updated to Pokédex, galleries and fixed the bulbasaur mistake.

Feb. 13th:Ok well i started alot of work on the Pokédex but it takes ten minutes to upload a icon! Anyway I'm in the proscess of making my own Pokémon game. But when it's done it'll be here.

Feb. 9th: I've decided it's too hard to put the top sites banner on every page. So they'll all be on the front page. I'm still working on the Pokédex. Get your own Pokétron email! CLICK HERE ITS FREE
I've also set a cetain date on the side bar. Every Saturday I'll update all the side tables on the sites. I'm doing it today this time but from now on it'll be on saturday.