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Pokemon Current News & Events


Hello! Though I made this link a long time ago, I never really had a chance to write in it. Thank you for visiting my site and reading this first of all. Please sign my guestbook. I know that A LOT of people just visit and leave while some vote. Please sign because I want to know what you think of my site. Also, I joined a program two days ago at . I already earned $7.00!! It's a really good program, and I didn't visit ads, etc. I did my homework, research for school, and updates of my site--and earn money for it. If you want to join, PLEASE refer to my ID # ITQ 339. Also, e-mail me, so that I know... 'Till Later...Julia & Mew 2/6/00

I have updated , but did not have time to write. I have added a lot of backgrounds,an hm and tm list, and as of today I have $16.00+! Yay! There is still much more to do, and so with that...See 'Ya...Julia & Mew 3/3/00

I have had a lot of schoolwork to do, so updates were not made recently. It's great that I have received A LOT of e-mails praising my site, and wanting images, my cursor, and clock. Howver, I would like to ask all visitors to PLEASE SIGN MY G-BOOK!!!Thanks. And, I'm working on a big proj. for this site. Soon, there will be great changes, so visit soon! Julia & Mew