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First, talk to the man in Veridian City. Now, fly to Cinabar Island,and surf up and down the right coast. You should run in to a messed up pokemon named Missingno. Catch it and store it in your PC. If you don't store it in your PC, it will mess up your graphics.

Fight safari pokemon at Seafoam Island

First pay to go in the Safari Zone. Then, go to the place where the pokemon that you want at Seafoam Island is. Next,walk around and waste your time your. When time runs out, fly to Seafoam Island. Surf along the right coast (it looks like your half on land, and half in water). You should run in to safari pokemon.

Duplicate pokemon (without gameshark)

Here is a trick to duplicate your pokemon. This works on the American versions. I will try to explain it as good as I can. For this trick to work, you need both games and two gameboys. Here is what you do: 1. Put the pokémon you want duplicated into one of the games. Either red or blue. Let's use red for an example. 2. Put a pokémon you don't mind losing in the other cartridge. Which is blue. 3. Go to the trade center and trade the pokémon you want duplicated (red) with the one you want to erase (blue). 4. After they are traded, leave the game (blue) on with the pokémon you erased and turn the game (red) off with the pokémon you wanted duplicated, before the "Trade Completed" sign appears, right after the "Waiting..." sign disappears. If you did the steps right, the game (red) with the pokémon you wanted duplicated should still be there and the one you erased on the other game (blue) should be the same as the one you traded. I tried to explain it as best as I could so don't get mad at me if you can't get it working.

Moon Stones

There are five Moon Stones, three of them are visible, two of them are not. 1) In the upper-lefthand corner of the first floor of Mt. Moon. 2) In the basement of the game corner. 3) In the bottom-right corner of Route 2 (CUT). 4) In Mt. Moon, before the supernerd's platform, there is a corridor 4 spaces long and 1 space wide. Go to the end of it and press A and poof! you have a Moon Stone. 5) In the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island, go up to the right side of one of the pillars on the right-hand side near the entrance. Hit A and it will say you found a Moon Stone.

Start with the three basic Pokemon You need: 2 Linkable Game Boy sytems 2 Pokémon games, any colors Game Link Cable 1. Start a new game on both systems. 2. On one of the games, go to Prof. Oak's lab and get a Squirtle. Trade that to the other gameboy. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2, but this time get a Bulbasaur insted of a Squirtle. 4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 once more, but this time use a Charmander instead. You should now have Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur.


Talk to the man who teaches you how to catch pokemon. Answer NO to his question. FLY to Cinnabar Island and SURF up and down the coast and see Missingno. or another glitched up pokemon and DON'T CATCH IT! If you run away, the item in the sixth slot will have a weird symbol, and that means it worked. Try useing nuggets and selling them to get rich fast! But keep at least one when you sell them so you can do it again.

Wierd Codes

Man On Top Of A House

To get a man on the roof, go to Cinnabar Island, make sure you don't have the key for the gym (if you do, just deposite it in the P.C. Surf next to the gym. Now come a shore right in front of the gym and walk toward the door. When it says, "It seems to be locked," look on the roof to see a man.

Fish Through Statues To fish through statues, go to Mistey's gym. The go to a staue that is right in front. Face the side that's opposite from the water. Bring out your fishing pole and you'll start fishing throungh the statue!

Stand On A Tree

To stand on a tree, get HM01 and teach it to a pokemon. Then go to the tree and use cut to cut it down. Then save your game and turn it off. Turn your game back on and you'll be on top of a tree!

Listen To Bike Music While Not A Bike To listen to bike music while not on a bike go to the cave where you first caught Moltres. Get on your bike and go to a hole. When you drop down the hole you'll be listening to bike music, but you won't be on your bike! If it didn't work, make sure you were on your bike when you fell.

Pokemon Pinball Codes Regular Codes. [Mewtwo Stage]

To go to Mewtwo bonus stage, You need to do this. In Red, you have to clear the Diglett and Gengar bonus stages. In Blue you have to clear Meowth and Seel bonus stages.


You can not catch Mew but, it is a bonus character that will get you lot of points. 1.In the Red field go to the Digglett, Gengar, and Mewtwo bonus stages twice each. (in the Blue field go to the Meowth, Seel, and Mewtwo bonus stages twice) 2.Then keep on map moving untill you get to Indigo Plateau. 3.When you are at Indigo Plateau, go to Catch 'Em Mode. You have a 6% chance of seeing Mew. 4.If you hit the mew with the ball, you will get lot of points. GameShark Codes.

[Infinite Balls]

This is for Gameshark: put in 01029dd4 for infinite balls, but it might erase your game.


Gameshark Codes

Get a Porygon for free= 01AA1ED1


INFINITE MONEY= 019947D3 019948D3 019949D3

START W/ MEW= 01151ED1



Here is a code to catch all the pokemon. If you put in the code you fight the pokemon then put in a new one. 01xxD8CF (turn the xx into the numbers and letters) 99 Bulbasaur 09 Ivysaur 9A Venusaur B0 Charmander B2 Charmeleon B4 Charizard B1 Squirtle B3 Wartortle 1C Blastoise 7B Caterpie 7C Metapod 7D Butterfree 70 Weedle 71 Kakuna 72 Beedrill 24 Pidgey 96 Pidgeotto 97 Pidgeot A5 Rattata A6 Raticate 05 Spearow 23 Frearow 6C Ekans 2D Arbok 54 Pikachu 55 Raichu 60 Sandshrew 61 Sandslash 0F Nidoran(female) A8 Nindorina 10 Nidoqueen 03 Nidoran(male) A7 Nindorino 07 Nidoking 04 Clefairy 8E Clefable 52 Vulpix 53 Ninetales 64 Jigglypuff 65 Wigglytuff 6B Zubat 82 Golbat B9 Oddisho BA Gloom BB Vileplume 6D Paras 2E Parasect 41 Venonat 77 Venomoth 3B Diglet 76 Dugtrio 4D Meowth 90 Persian 2F Psyduck 80 Golduck 39 Mankey 75 Primeape 21 Growlithe 14 Arcanine 47 Poliwag 6E Poliwhirl 6F Poliwrath 94 Abra 26 Kadabra 95 Alakazam 6A Machop 29 Machoke 7E Machamp BC Bellsprout BD Weepinbell BE Victreebell 18 Tentacool 9B Tentacruel A9 Geodude 27 Graveler 31 Golem A3 Ponyta A4 Rapidash 25 Slowpoke 08 Slowbro AD Magnemite 36 Magneton 40 Farfetch'd 46 Doduo 74 dodrio 3A Seel 78 Dewgong 0D Grimer 88 Muk 17 Shellder 8B Cloyster 19 Gastly 93 Haunter 0E Gengar 22 Onix 30 Drowzee 81 Hypno 4E Krabby 8A Kingler 06 Voltorb 8D Electrode 0C Exeggcute 0A Exeggutor 11 Cubone 91 Marowak 2B Hitmonlee 2C Hitmonchan 0B Lickitung 37 Koffing 8F Weezing 12 Rhyhorn 01 Rhydon 28 Chansey 1E Tangela 02 Kangaskhan 5C Horsea 5D Seadra 9D Goldeen 9E Seaking 1B Staryu 98 Starmie 2A Mr. Mime 1A Scyther 48 Jynx 35 Electabuzz 33 Magmar 1D Pinsir 3C Tauros 85 Magikarp 16 Gyarados 13 Lapras 4C Ditto 66 Eevee 69 Vaporeon 68 Jolteon 67 Flareon AA Porygon 62 Omanvste 63 Omastar 5A kabuto 5B Kabutops AB Aerodactyl 84 Snorlax 4A Articuno 4B Zapdos 49 Moltres 58 Dratini 59 Dragonair 42 Dragonite 83 Mewtwo B6 Missingno.

Here are lots of Gameshark codes for ALL of the items= Use 01xx7ccf and replace the xx with the item you want to buy, the list is below:

Items List

01 Master Ball 02 Ultra Ball 03 Great Ball 04 Pokéball 05 Town map 06 Bike 07 Surf without pokemon 08 Safari Ball 09 Pokedex 0A Moon Stone 0B Antidote 0C Burn Heal 0d Ice Heal 0F Parlyz Heal 10 Full Restore 11 Max Potion 12 Hyper Potion 13 Super Potion 14 Potion 15 Boulder Badge 16 Cascade Badge 17 Thunder Badge 18 Rainbow Badge 19 Soul Badge 1A Marsh Badge 1B Volcano Badge 1C Earth Badge 1d Escape Rope 1E Repel 1F Old Amber 20 Fire Stone 21 Thunder Stone 22 Water Stone 23 HP UP 24 Protein 25 Iron 26 Carbos 27 Calcium 28 Rare Candy 29 Dome Fossil 2A Helix Fossil 2B Secret Key 2D Bike Voucher 2E X Accuracy 2F Leaf Stone 3A Dire Hit 3B Coin 3C Fresh Water 3D Soda Pop 3E Lemonade 3F S.S Ticket 30 Card Key 31 Nugget 32 PP Up 33 Pokédoll 34 Full Heal 35 Revive 36 Max Revive 37 Guard Spec 38 Super Repel 39 Max Repel 40 Gold Teeth 41 X Attack 42 X Defend 43 X Speed 44 X Special 45 Coin Case 46 Oak's Parcel 47 Item Finder 48 Silph Scope 49 Poké Flute 4A Lift Key 4B Exp. All 4C Old Rod 4D Good Rod 4E Super Rod 4F PP Up (for free) 50 Ether 51 Max Ether 52 Elixer 53 Max Elixir C4 HM 01 C5 HM 02 C6 HM 03 C7 HM 04 C8 HM 05 C9 TM 01 CA TM 02 CB TM 03 CD TM 04 CE TM 05 CF TM 06 D0 TM 07 D1 TM 08 D2 TM 09 D3 TM 10 D4 TM 11 D5 TM 12 D6 TM 13 D7 TM 14 D8 TM 15 D9 TM 16 DA TM 17 DB TM 18 DC TM 19 DE TM 20 DF TM 21 E0 TM 22 E1 TM 23 E2 TM 24 E3 TM 25 E4 TM 26 E5 TM 27 E6 TM 28 E7 TM 29 E8 TM 30 E9 TM 31 EA TM 32 EB TM 33 EC TM 34 ED TM 35 EE TM 36 EF TM 37 F0 TM 38 F1 TM 39 F2 TM 40 F3 TM 41 F4 TM 42 F5 TM 43 F6 TM 44 F7 TM 45 F8 TM 46 F9 TM 47 FA TM 48 FB TM 49 FC TM 50

These Codes Work on ANY Pokémart.

CODES TO FIGHT ANYONE YOU WANT= These are codes to fight certain people. 00xxD8CF (the xx's are where the letters listed go.)

CA=Bugcatcher CB=Lass CC=Sailor CD=JR. Trainer-boy CE=JR. Trainer-girl CF=Pokemaniac C9=Youngster DA=Beauty DB=Pshychic DD=Juggler DE=Tamer DF=Bird Keeper D1=Hiker D0=Supernerd D2=Biker D3=Burglar D4=Engineer D5=Juggler D6=Fisherman D7=Swimmer D8=Cue-Ball D9=Gambler EA=Brock EB=Misty EC=Lt.Surge ED=Erika EE=Koga EF=Blaine E1=Gary 1 E2=Prof. Oak E3=Chief E4=Scientest E5=Giovanni E6=Team Rocket E7=CoolTrainer-boy E8=CoolTrainer-girl E9=Bruno E0=BlackBelt F1=Gentleman F2=Gary 2 F3=Gary 3 F4=Lorelei F5=Channeler F6=Agatha F7=Lance F8=none F9=none F0=Sabrina

Pokemon Yellow Cheat Codes Get Bulbasaur] After you get Squirtle, go to Cerulean city, and in one of the houses there is a lady, who has Pokemon next to her. Talk to her and she will ask you a question. Choose the top answer and she will ask you another question. Choose the top answer again and you get Bulbasaur! [Get Charmander] There are several ways to snag Charmander. One way is to go to Ceruleon City and talk with the man on the other side of Nugget Bridge. The other way is
to beat S.S. Anne to port and speak to Officer Jenny. [Get Squirtle] After getting off the S.S. Anne, and getting the Thunderbadge from the gymleader, Lt. Surge, then you can get Squirtle from Officer Jenny in the middle of town. [Gary's Pokemon] At the start of the game Gary will receive an Eevee. Determining its evolution depends on your fighting performance. In the lab fight Gary. If you lose the lab

Pokemon Yellow Gameshark Codes [surfing pikachu] 013973D1 015564D1 With this code, you can play the Surfing Pikachu mini-game in Fuchsia City!

[Infinite Money] infinite money-019946d3

[get HM6 (nickname)] This code gives you nickname. First put in the nickname code. To use nickname goto to a pokemart after using the infinite money code (it costs way too much without infinite money!) and buy nickname. Then go to any wall that you want to go through and face down. Then go to your item list and use nickname but when you get to the pokemon list, press cancel. You should see your sell with a few pokemon on top and on the bottom of you. either go down, up, right, or left towords the wall your trying to get through. When you can't go anymore, go back to the pokemon list (without going to nickname first) and then press cancel. You should be on top of the wall. Just walk the way that you wanted to go on the other side of the wall and you should be on the other side! The code for nickname is: 01A37DCF

[Fight any person code] Here are the codes to fight any person. Just about all the others that are not for pokémon or to fight people are missingno.'s. I cant figure out why the people send out missingno like pokémon as there pokémon though.

fight any person- 01??d7cf

digits for ??'s for the "fight any person codes" C9: Youngster CA: Bugcatcher CB: Lass CC: Sailor CD: JR. Trainer male CE: JR. Trainer female CF: Pokemaniac DA: Beauty DB: Pshychic DD: Juggler DE: Tamer DF: Bird Keeper D1 : Hiker D0: Supernerd D2: Biker D3: Burglar D4: Engineer D5: Juggler D6: Fisherman D7: Swimmer D8: Cue-Ball D9: Gambler EA: Brock EB: Misty EC: Lt.Surge ED: Erika EE: Koga EF: Blaine E1: Rival 1st time E2: Prof. Oak E3: Chief E4: Scientest E5: Giovanni E6: Team Rocket E7: CoolTrainer male E8: CoolTrainer female E9: Bruno E0: BlackBelt F1: Gentleman F2: Rival 2nd time F3: Rival 3rd time F4: Lorelei F5: Channeler F6: Agatha F7: Lance F0: Sabrina

[Item changer code]

item changer 1st position 01??1dd3

item changer 2nd position 01??1fd3

item changer 3rd position 01??21d3

item changer 4th position 01??23d3

item changer 5th position 01??25d3

item changer 6th position 01??27d3

item changer 7th position 01??29d3

item changer 8th position 01??2bd3

item changer 9th position 01??2dd3

item changer 10th position 01??2fd3

replace ?? with one of the numbers below:

01 - Master Ball 02 - Ultra Ball 03 - Great Ball 04 - PokéBall 05 - Town Map 06 - Bicycle 08 - Safari Ball 09 - Pokédex 0A - Moon Stone 0B - Antidote 0C - Burn Heal 0D - Ice Heal 0E - Awakening 0F - Parlyz Heal 10 - Full Restore 11 - Max Potion 12 - Hyper Potion 13 - Super Potion 14 - Potion 1D - Escape Rope 1E - Repel 1F - Old Amber 20 - Fire Stone 21 - Thunder Stone 22 - Water Stone 23 - HP Up 24 - Protein 25 - Iron 26 - Carbos 27 - Calcium 28 - Rare Candy 29 - Dome Fossil 2A - Helix Fossil 2B - Secret Key 2D - Bike Voucher 2E - X Accuracy 2F - Leaf Stone 30 - Card Key 31 - Nugget 32 - PP UP 33 - PokéDoll 34 - Full Heal 35 - Revive 36 - Max Revive 37 - Gaurd Spec 38 - Super Repel 39 - Max Repel 3A - Dire Hit 3B - Coin 3C - Fresh Water 3D - Soda Pop 3E - Lemonade 3F - S.S. Ticket 40 - Gold Teeth 41 - X Attack 42 - X Defend 43 - X Speed 44 - X Special 45 - Coin Case 46 - Oak's Parcel 47 - Item Finder 48 - Silph Scope 49 - PokéFlute 4A - Lift Key 4B - Exp. All 4C - Old Rod 4D - Good Rod 4E - Super Rod 4F - PP Up 50 - Ether 51 - Max Ether 52 - Elixer 53 - Max Elixer C4 - HM01 Cut C5 - HM02 Fly C6 - HM03 Surf C7 - HM04 Strength C8 - HM05 Flash C9 - TM01 Mega Punch CA - TM02 Razor Wind CB - TM03 Swords Dance CC - TM04 Whirlwind CD - TM05 Mega Kick CE - TM06 Toxic CF - TM07 Horn Drill D0 - TM08 Body Slam D1 - TM09 Take Down D2 - TM10 Double-Edge D3 - TM11 Bubble Beam D4 - TM12 Water Gun D5 - TM13 Ice Beam D6 - TM14 Blizzard D7 - TM15 Hyper Beam D8 - TM16 Pay Day D9 - TM17 Submission DA - TM18 Counter DB - TM19 Seismic Toss DC - TM20 Rage DD - TM21 Mega Drian DE - TM22 Solar Beam DF - TM23 Dragon Rage E0 - TM24 Thunderbolt E1 - TM25 Thunder E2 - TM26 Earthquake E3 - TM27 Fissure E4 - TM28 Dig E5 - TM29 Psychic E6 - TM30 Teleport E7 - TM31 Mimc E8 - TM32 Double Team E9 - TM33 Reflect EA - TM34 Bide EB - TM35 Metronome EC - TM36 Selfdestruct ED - TM37 Egg Bomb EE - TM38 Fire Blast EF - TM39 Swift F0 - TM40 Skull Bash F1 - TM41 Softboiled F2 - TM42 Dreameater F3 - TM43 Sky Attack F4 - TM44 Rest F5 - TM45 Thunder Wave F6 - TM46 Psywave F7 - TM47 Explosion F8 - TM48 Rock Slide F9 - TM49 Tri Attack FA - TM50 Substitue FB - TM51 Cut (just like HM01) FC - TM52 Fly (just like HM02) FD - TM53 Surf (just like HM03) FE - TM54 Strength (just like HM04) FF - TM55 Flash (just like HM05)

[infinite item codes]

infinite item 1st position 01631ed3 infinite item 2nd position 016320d3 infinite item 3rd position 016322d3 infinite item 4th position 016324d3 infinite item 5th position 016326d3 infinite item 6th position 016328d3 infinite item 7th position 01632ad3 infinite item 8th position 01632cd3 infinite item 9th position 01632ed3 infinite item 10th position 016330d3

Buy anything- 01**7bcf replace ** with one of the numbers below:

01 - Master Ball 02 - Ultra Ball 03 - Great Ball 04 - PokéBall 05 - Town Map 06 - Bicycle 08 - Safari Ball 09 - Pokédex 0A - Moon Stone 0B - Antidote 0C - Burn Heal 0D - Ice Heal 0E - Awakening 0F - Parlyz Heal 10 - Full Restore 11 - Max Potion 12 - Hyper Potion 13 - Super Potion 14 - Potion 1D - Escape Rope 1E - Repel 1F - Old Amber 20 - Fire Stone 21 - Thunder Stone 22 - Water Stone 23 - HP Up 24 - Protein 25 - Iron 26 - Carbos 27 - Calcium 28 - Rare Candy 29 - Dome Fossil 2A - Helix Fossil 2B - Secret Key 2D - Bike Voucher 2E - X Accuracy 2F - Leaf Stone 30 - Card Key 31 - Nugget 32 - PP UP 33 - PokéDoll 34 - Full Heal 35 - Revive 36 - Max Revive 37 - Gaurd Spec 38 - Super Repel 39 - Max Repel 3A - Dire Hit 3B - Coin 3C - Fresh Water 3D - Soda Pop 3E - Lemonade 3F - S.S. Ticket 40 - Gold Teeth 41 - X Attack 42 - X Defend 43 - X Speed 44 - X Special 45 - Coin Case 46 - Oak's Parcel 47 - Item Finder 48 - Silph Scope 49 - PokéFlute 4A - Lift Key 4B - Exp. All 4C - Old Rod 4D - Good Rod 4E - Super Rod 4F - PP Up 50 - Ether 51 - Max Ether 52 - Elixer 53 - Max Elixer C4 - HM01 Cut C5 - HM02 Fly C6 - HM03 Surf C7 - HM04 Strength C8 - HM05 Flash C9 - TM01 Mega Punch CA - TM02 Razor Wind CB - TM03 Swords Dance CC - TM04 Whirlwind CD - TM05 Mega Kick CE - TM06 Toxic CF - TM07 Horn Drill D0 - TM08 Body Slam D1 - TM09 Take Down D2 - TM10 Double-Edge D3 - TM11 Bubble Beam D4 - TM12 Water Gun D5 - TM13 Ice Beam D6 - TM14 Blizzard D7 - TM15 Hyper Beam D8 - TM16 Pay Day D9 - TM17 Submission DA - TM18 Counter DB - TM19 Seismic Toss DC - TM20 Rage DD - TM21 Mega Drian DE - TM22 Solar Beam DF - TM23 Dragon Rage E0 - TM24 Thunderbolt E1 - TM25 Thunder E2 - TM26 Earthquake E3 - TM27 Fissure E4 - TM28 Dig E5 - TM29 Psychic E6 - TM30 Teleport E7 - TM31 Mimc E8 - TM32 Double Team E9 - TM33 Reflect EA - TM34 Bide EB - TM35 Metronome EC - TM36 Selfdestruct ED - TM37 Egg Bomb EE - TM38 Fire Blast EF - TM39 Swift F0 - TM40 Skull Bash F1 - TM41 Softboiled F2 - TM42 Dreameater F3 - TM43 Sky Attack F4 - TM44 Rest F5 - TM45 Thunder Wave F6 - TM46 Psywave F7 - TM47 Explosion F8 - TM48 Rock Slide F9 - TM49 Tri Attack FA - TM50 Substitue FB - TM51 Cut (just like HM01) FC - TM52 Fly (just like HM02) FD - TM53 Surf (just like HM03) FE - TM54 Strength (just like HM04) FF - TM55 Flash (just like HM05)

[fight any pokemon] 01**d7cf replace ** with one of the numbers below: Bulbasaur - 99 Ivysaur - 09 Venusaur - 9A Charmander - B0 Charmeleon - B2 Charizard - B4 Squirtle - B1 Wartortle - BC Blastoise - 1C Caterpie - 7B Metapod - 7C Butterfree - 7D Weedle - 70 Kakuna - 71 Beedrill - 72 Pidgey - 24 Pidgeotto - 96 Pidgeot - 97 Rattata - A5 Raticate - A6 Spearow - 05 Fearow - 23 Ekans - 6C Arbok - 2D Pikachu - 54 Raichu - 55 Sandshrew - 60 Sandslash - 61 Nidoran Female - 0F Nindorina - A8 Nidoqueen - 10 Nidoran Male - 03 Nindorino - A7 Nidoking - 07 Clefairy - 04 Clefable - 8E Vulpix - 52 Ninetales - 53 Jigglypuff - 64 Wigglytuff - 65 Zubat - 6B Golbat - 82 Oddish - B9 Gloom - BA Vileplume - BB Paras - 6D Parasect - 2E Venonat - 41 Venomoth - 77 Diglett - 3B Dugtrio - 76 Meowth - 4D Persian - 90 Psyduck - 2F Golduck - 80 Mankey - 39 Primeape - 75 Growlithe - 21 Arcanine - 14 Poliwag - 47 Poliwhirl - 6E Poliwrath - 6F Abra - 94 Kadabra - 26 Alakazam - 95 Machop - 6A Machoke - 29 Machamp - 7E Bellsprout - BC Weepinbell - BD Victreebell - BE Tentacool - 18 Tentacruel - 9B Geodude - A9 Graveler - 27 Golem - 31 Ponyta - A3 Rapidash - A4 Slowpoke - 25 Slowbro - 08 Magnemite - AD Magneton - 36 Farfetch'd - 40 Doduo - 46 Dodrio - 74 Seel - 3A Dewgong - 78 Grimer - 0D Muk - 88 Shellder - 17 Cloyster - 8B Gastly - 19 Haunter - 93 Gengar - 0E Onix - 22 Drowzee - 30 Hypno - 81 Krabby - 4E Kingler - 8A Voltorb - 06 Electrode - 8D Exeggcute - 0C Exeggutor - 0A Cubone - 11 Marowak - 91 Hitmonlee - 2B Hitmonchan - 2C Lickitung - 0B Koffing - 37 Weezing - 8F Rhyhorn - 12 Rhydon - 01 Chansey - 28 Tangela - 1E Kangaskhan - 02 Horsea - 5C Seadra - 5D Goldeen - 9D Seaking - 9E Staryu - 1B Starmie - 98 Mr. Mime - 2A Scyther - 1A Jynx - 48 Electabuzz - 35 Magmar - 33 Pinsir - 1D Tauros - 3C Magikarp - 85 Gyarados - 16 Lapras - 13 Ditto - 4C Eevee - 66 Vaporeon - 69 Jolteon - 68 Flareon - 67 Porygon - AA Omanyte - 62 Omastar - 63 Kabuto - 5A Kabutops - 5B Aerodactyl - AB Snorlax - 84 Articuno - 4A Zapdos - 4B Moltres - 49 Dratini - 58 Dragonair - 59 Dragonite - 42 Mewtwo - 83 Mew - 15

Know any more codes?