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*RPG Main Page
*Members Directory
*Official Rulebook
*After Battle Form
*Attacks List
*Fines List
*Pokedex 2
*Original Trainers
*Top Trainers
*Battle Chart

*Gym Leaders Directory
*Gym Leader Rules
*Become a Gym Leader

*Elite Four Directory
*Elite Four Rules
*Pokemon Master
*Become Elite
*Ultimates Rules

*Pokemon Reserve
*Adoption Agency
*Join League
*Selling Pokemon
*Buying Pokemon
*Auction Pokemon

*Tourny Dates
*Tourny Form
*Tourny Prizes
*Tourny Winners
*Tourny Rules

*Job Openings
Members Page: 8/30 at 1:39
Gym Leaders Directory:9/16 at 7:50

Last Updated 9/09 by Tuan
Birthdays:Well I have a new idea for this league. Members of this league can tell me their Birthdays and on their birthdays we can like do something special for them. I also will give them a special birthday gift. Other people can give them gifts. We can also have a party for them. To tell me your birthday then E-mail it to me here:

Any Questions?
IM me at Xpacdx4155
E-mail me at

Last Updated 9/9 by Tuan
Tournament:Tonight at 7:00 PM Central Time, there will be a tournament. I hope some of you guys will come to this one. I already have 4 people with "yes"'s and 2 with "maybe"'s. So I hope some of you guys come!

Any Questions?
IM me at Xpacdx4155
E-mail me at

Last Updated 9/9 by Tuan
Magby's Pokemon League:Well I was looking at Magby's Pokemon League and it seems to be faring pretty well. It's a great site. It is similiar to our league. It's my good friend Moltres's site. He's the webmaster. He's a good one too. I don't want the Crystal League members to be fighting with the Magby League members. Just to make that clear.
Tournament:Only 2 people showed up at the tournament, Me and Plex. I swear, if no one starts showing up at tournaments then I would have to do something drastic about something. Well I have to go. Bye.

Any Questions?
IM me at Xpacdx4155
E-mail me at

Last Updated 9/09 by Tuan
Hey everyone. I am holding 3 separate tournaments this month. The first one will be today, Saturday, September 9th,2000. At 7:00 Central Time. The next one will be next Saturday at 7:00 Central Time, and the last one will be on Saturday at 7:00 Central Time. The prizes are, a staff position, a gym, or your choice of any 5 Pokemon. Along with those prizes are 100,000 is Poke-Cash. Runner up prizes will be announced later. Please come at all possible.

Any Questions?
IM me at Xpacdx4155
E-mail me at

Last Updated 9/6 by Scyther
Hey everyone, I have a conest going on and the prize is a Very Rare pokemon and maybe some cash...The thing you have to do to get the money is to write an origional story about pokemon...I dont care if it is about ash or about other needs to be a long story(you judge the meaning long)...send it to with the subject saying: Pokemon Story Contest...all entries must be recieved by September 15, 2000....they will be judge and the winner will be announced on September 17, 2000...The runner up stories will recieve smaller prizes but all stories are going to be diplayed on the site...See ya laterz

Last Updated 9/06 by Tuan
Hey everyone! I didn't go to school today, because I didn't feel like it so I stayed home. I will update and makes updates for the time I am home. I will be holding a contest of some sort. It will be like a storyline of the Cartoon Show, The Red/Blue/Yellow Version, and a original RP of the Pokemon Crystal League. This should be fun. Anyone who wants to join this "journey" then they should e-mail or IM me with the following information:(a * means that this is required to participate)
  • Your Name/Nickname
  • *Your League ID
  • *Your Trainer Type
  • *ONE Pokémon you are going to use
  • Gym Leader/Or Regular Trainer
Well that's about it. Oh yeah, like I said a long time before, I need more staff members! I need some updaters and Graphics Manager. E-mail/IM me if you are looking for a job here at the community of Crystal.

Any Questions?
IM me at Xpacdx4155
E-mail me at

Last Updated 9/04 by Tuan
I have a question. How come only 6 people showed up at the tournament? Well, unincluding me that is. Anyways, the winners were. Plex in first place. Congratulations to plex. Second place goes to Grant. Third place goes to AlmightyPokeGod. Congratulations to everyone and you can IM me or E-mail me to tell me what prize you want. Once again, Congratulations to everyone who participated and the winners of the tournament. Next time, I hope more people could come.

Any Questions?
IM me at Xpacdx4155
E-mail me at

Updated 9/02 at 4:36 PM by Plexplex
Just so ya'll know, the league has a new address. So if you need to email us, send it there. Also, have you seen the mega cool splash image Grant made? Click here to see it. Also, you should bookmark that page, instead of this. That's it for now! This is Plexie, signin off! :)

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