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What evil losers of the internet dare make anti-pokemon sites?!?! Evil losers! That's who! I, Ultra Oddish is very concerned with these criminal acts. It is time to fight back! Get strapped into your gear, we've got a job to do.
I'm part of Anti-Anti Pokémon

13 and under, it is recommended you do not join. Here's the plan: find a anti-pokemon site and right click, go to veiw source and edit it so it makes the site look like a anti-anti pokemon site. Put it on your page and laugh. Yes, it's not the type of revenge you'dd expect but if you have any other way to fight back, do it. I've heard storys of anti pokemon sites, of hoe a 7 year old found one and it was horrific. And if you're an anti-pokemoner, you are an evil, low lifed booger. I know another way, when signing up for some newsletter, put an anti pokemoner's e-mail in. That's even better revenge. Now go, make anti's a disgrace. Good luck...