Gundam Wing Story


With high expectations, human beings leave earth to begin a new life in space colonies. However, the United Earth Sphere Alliance gains great military powers and soon siezes control of one colony after another in the name of peace and justice. The year is After Colony 195. Operation Meteor. In a move to counter the Alliances' tyranny, rebel citizens of certain colonies scheme to bring new arsenals to the Earth, disguising them as shooting stars. However, the Alliance headquarters catches on to this operation.

The attacks by the five Gundams sent out by the space colonies reflected their retailiatory intentions. The Gundams' target is OZ, who had masked it's identity within the mobile suit troops of the Alliance military. The Gundams had a number of missions to attack OZ. The year is After Colony 195. OZ has finally taken center stage. With an army of elite soldiers at his command, Treize Khushrenada carries out his plans to destroy the Alliance military. The battle between the mobile suits sent to earth and OZ causes the Earth to sudder violently.

To facilitate it's reign over the world, the Romefeller Foundation promoted a new OZ, with it's main power consisting of unmanned units called mobile dolls. Certain changes within the Foundation followed Treize Khushrenada's retaliation, including his being stripped of all power. At the same time, the Foundation was rapidly expanding it's area of rule, thanks to the highly skilled mobile dolls. The year is After Colony 195. After the space colonies accepted the Foundation, execution orders were released for the now isolated Gundam pilots. For them, it looked like the future would take a turn for the worst. By having Relena Peacecraft join the Romefeller Foundation as their representative and a symbol of peace, they are able to gain the support of the people, and are justified in making the World Nation a reality. Meanwhile, in outer space, an uprising of an armed organization called White Fang directs all forces to fight for the independence of the colonies. The White Fang welcomed it's new leader, Milliardo Peacecraft.

Note from BlindKatt:
I was really bored so I sat down with my GW episodes and my VCR, and I wrote down the summary at the begining of the episodes. I did it word for word, got through the first 2 tapes, then got bored with it. But it should be enough to summarize the beginning of the series. I dunno how long it'll be before I can get the rest of the summary things to ya, cuz the rest of my 2 weeks of vacation are kinda busy. ~Katt