
News and updates...

Sun Dec 31, 2000
Last update of 2000, working on little odds and ends around the site for the past few days....with help from Cerulean sister of ceruleangym.com and it's feeling more organized. Updated the message board lay out today! yay! Jessi also made us a delightful picture for the main page and message boards, i'm in love w/ it! Also, It's A Wonderful Life Pokemon style is now up in the fanfiction section, it was written by a group of us at the boards :)

Tue Dec 25, 2000
Nav bar more updated....working on more....

Sun Dec 24, 2000
MERRY x-MAS EVE! I changed the navigation bar and updated the non-frames version :) MORE TO COME IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS!!!!! Sat Dec 23, 2000
I updated the Lay out once more, I also updated the pokemon guide, the credits page, and wooo...i changed a bunch, so just look around :)

Sun Dec 17, 2000
Some of the Buttons to other sites are now new and I added a baner to Jessi's site at the bottom on the page. Also, I changed the layout a bit....again...i know....

Sun Dec 10, 2000

Sat Dec 9, 2000
Updated the background :)

Sat Dec 2, 2000
Today We got the New Layout (1.5)! Our Message boards turned 1 year old on November 28th, and got a semi-new lay out for them :) Also started a top sites section, not really up yet but please join if you wish to! And that's what we've got today!

Sat Nov 25, 2000
Yesterday Katt's Gundam Wing Quotes were posted under the characters. Today Updated Episode Guides (ccs, pkmn). Two more awards were added today :) Changed the colors to make it more readable!

Wed Nov 22, 2000
New Holiday Version Up :)

Sun Nov 19, 2000
Another Affiliate today, and we joined jessi's anime archive's network

Sat Nov 18, 2000
We have two new members to the Web Ring and we have a new affiliate! Yay!!!!

Fri Nov 10 2000

We recieved two new awards from Washyuu! THANKS SO MUCH!!!!! I'm not going to be updateing very much the next two weeks because of the school play, but i'll be here briefly once in a while. Just to let ya know!
Sun Nov 5 2000
By: Ketchum
~ Updated PKMN and CCS episode guides

Sat Nov 4 2000
By: Ketchum
~Entrance page updated

Fri Nov 3 2000
By: Ketchum
~Updated the top bar a bit I made the anime series be listed separatly from the navagation drop bar, i also moved a lot of files and they have new names, and i updated the main page of each anime section.

Wed Nov 1 2000
By: Ketchum
~November edition now up and running! Lovely fall colors and pictures! Horray!!!!!!
Tue Oct 31 2000
By: Ketchum
~Happy Halloween! If you go trick or trating remember to be safe and check your candy when you get home!!

Sun Oct 28 2000
By: Ketchum
~ Updated Episode lists (pkmn ccs) today and Pkmn JJ: A Sappy Ening aired today. That's all.

Wed Oct 25 2000
By: Ketchum
~ Lords Prayer now up :) (I know there was some stuff wrong with it if you saw it but angelfire froze on me and i didn't get a chance to fix it yesterday but it's up, hopefully nobody noticed!) Also updated the enterance page....that's all!

Sun Oct 22 14:16:16 2000
By: Ketchum
~ We adopted a Sailor Saturn From Anime Angels, and got a new poll. Join our Mailing list! We don't have very many people right now and it would be great if we grew! THANKS!

Sat Oct 21
By: Ketchum
~ TOTALLY AWESOME NEW ENTRANCE MADE BY JESSI! Also Halloweeen-ified the main page :) And Pokémon: Double Trouble Header Aired new today.

Fri Oct 20
By: Ketchum
~ A few halloween pictures are up now :)

Thur Oct 19

Wed Oct 18
~ Updated the pokémon episode guide

Sun Oct 15 15:12:58 2000
~ The main page News And Updates section is now up and running!

October 14, 2000
JOHTO LEAGUE WAS GREAT! Today I added the three pokemon theme songs, I also added a pikachu and togepi page. Also worked on Frames section still under construction though. Lastly me and my brother wrote the m2sb summary and that is now up! WOO! FINALLY!!!

October 13, 2000
Happy Friday the 13th! Okay, today we got a new guest book! You can still visit the old one here OLD BOOK. Tomarrow the Johto league begins!!!! WOOO! Um....what else??? oh yea I joined anime top 100, PLEASE VOTE 4 ME!!!! (on main page) anything else???? Nope! Well ttyl! -Ketch

October 12, 2000
I added a little colored bar in the navigation areas of the anime sections. I also re-did the ring logos. And joined Anime-Girl Web Ring! and joined the anime girl top 100! please vote for me! Clik 2 Vote 4 Me!

October 11, 2000
I FINALLY made Tracy (pkmn) and Meilin (ccs) character pages :) That's all! -ketch

October 08, 2000
So far today, we got 2 new totally awesome buttons from Jessi! So i put them up, also I went through and edited all of the anime sections. That took forever but now there all in teh same basic lay out. Um...more to come....okay, added frames section, took mucic off main page you can only hear it if you have the frames section up now. I also added a link to the frames at all the major sections...added the header to the fan fiction section....lemme see anything else? nope....okay then that's all :) bye!

October 5, 2000
I updated the awards section, added music, updated awesome links on main page.

October 4, 2000
Put new pic for the jessi anime web ring. Made the main page4 colors different :)

October 3, 2000
Added Sakura and Li Section, updated search section, and i added anime art search to the main page.

October 2, 2000
All episode guides are up to date :)

October 1, 2000
HAPPY OCTOBER!!!!! Okay, cardcaptor site got big today :) That's all! I added character pages, updated the episode guide, new pics, lots of stuff....i'll work on it more tonight....ttfn! -ketch

September 30, 2000
Today I added a few cardcaptor pictures from Sayoron's bear. I will do more manana! I'm gonna work on the cardcaptors section this next wekk. Adios!

September 25, 2000
FINISHED!!!! Done the tenchi and sm layouts :) Yay! okay....now i have to find something else to do.....o ya, i updated the staff section we now add AAP!!!! YEA!!!!ooop updated credit section....now it's time for my ice cream :) gtg bye! (gymnastics tonight GO ELISE RAY!!!!)

September 24, 2000
Finished pokemon section, edited gw section, just have tenchi and sm left! Added staff section it you are interested just go to the "contact" link and let me know!

September 23, 2000
ORANGE LEAGUE DONE TODAY! I added a new header to all of the different anime sections, there still a little messed up, Cardcaptors and pokemon are the only ones finished. I'll do the other three tomarrow, or sometime this week......gtg....bye!

September 22, 2000
Okay, Today I took teh bugs out of the lay out and it's hopefully acceptable :) Now I'm gonna go and update the links sectin see how much of that I can get done :)

September 21, 2000
Jeez, i spent the entire afternoon making hte new lay out, and what do i do, accidentally delete it, so i spent another hour and now it's all back......hope it works okay, i'll probably fix the little bugs tomarrow, but i'm really in a "NEED TO GET OFF THE COMPUTER" mode, so i'm gonna go now....we potentially have a new staff member, let you know more as it progresses, n e how, gtg, ttyl! -ketch

September 20,2000
Jessi Made us the most totally awesome thing ever! It's a sakura and li logo for our web ring! I loooooveeeeee it!!!!! I also changed the color and font on the main page.....and updates different ring formats.

September 19, 2000
I added a mailing list! Okay, and i joined swh (sites without hentai). Which seems like a really good idea! Well I gotta go!

September 16, 2000
Katt sent us a new section for the gundam wing reviews, and joined our webring. That's all!

September 15, 2000
Lots of little stuff, updated look of main page. Moved awards to their own section. Moved Jessi's anime ring to main page, added a bunch to the little navagation section. September 14, 2000
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SIS! deleted back grounds, that's all...more later!

September 13, 2000
Okay, my updates will be here, news will be in teh news section....changed a bunch....added site ring...new adress http://clik.to/kap.....that's all!!!!!!! September 12, 2000

September 10, 2000
ADDED free for all links....more to come....

September 9, 2000
Pokemon was GREAT today!!!!! !YEA MISTY'S MATCH!!!!! Also.....I joined bravenet today and got rid of all my other accounts! So everything is at bravenet now. I added a pretty counter and I added greating cards, I'll be making lots of little goodies the next few weeks then I'll head back to teh anime pages but i need a break for now :) TTYL! Bye! -Ketch

September 7, 2000
Updated Tenchi Episode Guides, sorry I took so long with them.....still working on them.....I also updated Oaks labs and moved tyhe charater page there rather then having a separate links section. What else....oh yea I also made the Misty hope page and i deleted the aam page, i did that a few days ago actually but i forgot to tell yall that....um...that's all :) Well I'm gonna go read fan fictions :) TTYL!

September 6, 2000
I made a huge news thing yesterday but it got deleted :( So I re wrote it and here it is......

Pokemon News: WB gained the rights to Emporer of the Crystal Tower (Third movie). October 14, 2000 will be the start of the new pokemon gs series (aka Pokemon: The Jouhta Journeys).

Schedule (Acording to Washington DC's WB [est.])

Fraturday (Friday)
3:00 p.m. Detention
3:30 p.m. Cardcaptors
4:00 p.m. Pokemon
4:30 p.m. Generation O!

Saturdays (All NEW EPISODES!!!!)
8:00 a.m. Men in Black: The Series
8:30 a.m. Pokemon
9:00 a.m. Jackie Chan Adventures
9:30 a.m. Cardcaptors
10:00 a.m. Pokemon
10:30 a.m. Generation O!
11:00 a.m. Batman Beyond
11:30 a.m. Max Steel

Also I updated the ash's character page and I'm going to go work on that now!!!!!!

September 1, 2000
Moved counter to thecounter.com, smaller and quicker to load! Added navigation pictures....that's about it!

August 31, 2000
Joined Smart Ads Banner Exchange......Updated ADD LINK section....no school tomarrow yea! thats all...adios!

August 30, 2000
WOO HOO! We've got all sites on the new lay out! ow I just have to go through and add information! Yea! Well I'm done for updates today so i'm gonna surf the next 15 minutes :) Adios!

August 28, 2000
First day of school....i hate school.....oh well.....pokemon and cardcaptors hae the new layout....i'll improve them before I add the others, please let me know what you think of at the message baords! k.....i have the final lay out...i joined a sakura web ring, and i am going to update the other sites sometime this week.....i am at my time limit today since school started so i must leave....TA TA!!!!-ketch

August 27, 2000
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BROTHER!!!!!!! Okay, I updated the sailor moon web ring picture, I also added pictures to the cardcaptor sakura section, and made pages there, it's cute! I added links to the link section and that's all.....now one last thing...this is my last day before the tortuous thing called school once again begins so my updates will become fewer.....thanks for all your support throughout the summer! C'yall later!!!!!!

August 26, 2000
New pokemon this morning, pokemon water war, was good! Cardcaptors the race good also! I added a new fan fiction, that's all so far! added pokemon schedule and added to the episode list

August 25, 2000
Today I made a new home layout, I REALLY like it, hope you do too :) I forgot to mention earlier, but I got the SUper S movie in english...very good lots of changes but Pioneer did a great job! I also added links to the links section and.....oh Tenchi Universe starts today! That's all! gtg.....bye!

August 23, 2000
Oak's Labs in teh pokemon section created, I'll be working on that this week until I can get it done....that's all! i updated cardcaptor site....kinda....and tenchi site has oki pics!

August 22, 2000
I ended up completeing the gundam characters yesterday, today I joined the gundam wing memorial web ring, and i added disclaimers to the sites

August 21, 2000
OMG I just realized the pokemon characters weren't working! Well there up now, and I added a tenchi one of them too! I'm looking for pics of the characters on Cardcaptor Sakura so I can make a site like that for sakura....and i'm gonna work on gundam wing now.....

August 20, 2000
Okay, I spent ALL Morning trying to figure out how to create forms, and I made a new contact me form Here. So use that rather than my e-mail okay! And lets see what else....oh I finally figured out the pokemon schedule the next few weeks go to the pokemon discussion here and there is a topic called I'VE GOT IT! (schedule) and it's written there.

August 16, 2000
Saw pokemon movie again, updated sailor moon character profiles, took off all the background pictures, and made the whole site pink and blue. I also took off the pokemon episode guide, because it's not really that important, if you want a REAL Episode guide go to Bulbagarden.com they have a great one! So does ceruleangym.com! Okay, I also changed the colors in the pokeomn section to yellow and blue. and modified the lay out a bit. I changed the main page to make it prettier too :) That's all so far....let you know if there is more :) (updated tenchi episode guide)

August 15, 2000
Sailor Moon Movie Super S released in America today! Won't get it for a while since I'm flat broke, and i'm going to the pokemon movie tomarrow again!!! WOO WOO!!!!! Can't WAit!!!!!! I updated sailor moon character sections, and the main page, I deleted all images I had dealing with sailor moon, and the backgrounds are gone too.....don't worry, right now I'm trying to get all teh information down that I need, and once that is done I am going to put all the pictures in okay? That's all I have for today....ADIOS!

August 14, 2000
Okay I'm back.....Never did leave when I was supposed to...but that's a long story....I re-vamped the message boards, and the anime awards are done. Starting tomarrow I will go ahead and simplyfy and make the palace's easier to navagate and stuff.....still working on teh plan for them....N E WAYZ TTFN!!!!!

August 2, 2000
I finished the p2k summary! Woo woo! I also deleted....quotes....neopets...and staff sections. I removed the sailor moon buttons in the palace, i updated the main page layout. Added tenchi tv series characters, i went into each palace and added the "KAP stuff" sections in teh navagation, and added subjects to all the e-mail stuff....that's a lot but what i did today....farewell i go away tomarrow morning! got a lot done before I left though :) Also there is a HUGE storm here, and the power keeps flickering so i should go. TA TA! -Ketch

August 1, 2000
Happy August! Today we added Jessie and James' Japanese names (courtasy of Katt) and also katt sent us the new gundam wing summary section! I know everything is really bland in my sections right now, but once i have all the information i'll get pictures, so you'll just have to bear with me okay? Thanks! I'm not oging to be able to do updates the next week or so (maybe tomarrow) so be prepared for a break in info gathering....I'm also in the process of sumarizing the pokemon movie 2000, it's really hard to rack my brain, but I'm about half done and will get that up soon. TTYL! -Ketch

July 30, 2000
My Best Friend's Birthday is today! So HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We have a poem added to the Fan Fiction Section.

July 29, 2000
Cardcaptor Sakura and Tenchi Episode guides updated. Pokemon episode descriptions begun (1-7). That's all today!

July 28, 2000
Pikachu's Rescue adventure summary added.

July 27. 2000
Added Pikachu's Vacation Section. Updated Credits section. That's about it!

July 26, 2000
Gundam Wing Section Updated. Pokemon section is my new project....i'm adding a section for each movie. Today I finished the music section, I'm gonna do summaries tonight and hopefully have them up by tomarrow :) It's almost to where I want it to be before I move to the next section...nah...maybe not....still got a while to go :)

July 25, 2000
Various little updates here and there mostly in layouts, main page look different.

July 24, 2000
Voting has begun! Go to our section dedicated to the awards! I added stuff to the pokemon section do Ash and Misty really like each other. I also added my review to the movie, and BlindKatt, sent us the next shipment of Gundam Wing Info, two characters added.

July 23, 2000

July 22, 2000
Fan Fiction Section completely re-vamped! With descriptions of the stories! Also Pokemon Section has a brand new look too! Go check it out!

July 21, 2000
Nice new look for the fromt page, new fan fics added, and links updated.

July 17, 2000
No updates yesterday because I couldn't get on angel fire.....Oh today I added my neo pets home page stop by there and join neo pets, it's really awesome!

July 15, 2000
I took away the frames, because it was too messed up and un organized, i hope the way that it is now. I re-did the poke-mon section and there is character bios now.

July 14, 2000
Okay, we have two versions, frames and non frames. Non-frames is basically teh same as it used to be but without the palaces in teh navigation, and no updates, because they are on this page.

July 13, 2000
NEW LOOK!!!!!! new web ring.....GTG TENCHI is coming on!!!!!! More updates tomarrow!

July 11, 2000
Re-did Tenchi muyo, now there's pics of characters, and easier navagation.

July 10, 2000
I won an award! Thanks SOOOOOOO much Jessi!!!!!!!! Also Jessi was kind enough to make us two banners which you can link to us from in the "add your link section" (and the new header title is one of them too, only enlarged, don't you just love it? Kawaii! :)THANKS AGAIN!!!!! Also, updated the fan fiction section, gave it a new simple look and added a HYSTERICAL fan fic called "No Hablo Ketchup" To the crossovers section by katt....that's all today! adios!

July 7, 2000

I made a button for this anime site, and changed the name to Ketch's Anime Palace.

July 6, 2000
GW Section updated. Pokemon section updated, lay out on this page simplified, tenchi moyo site added.

July 5, 2000
Updated credit section, gundam wing section, fan fic section, sailor moon section. Added a whole bunch to the pokemon section.

July 4, 2000
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY! Sailor moon section updated....

July 2, 2000
Added the quotes section...finally! Also added a new counter supplied by Free counts Thank you VERY MUCH free counts! The angel fire one is now tracking my sailor moon site :)

July 1, 2000
Happy July, not much today, just sailor moon updates, oh i also added to the links section, and added a search my site thing.

June 30, 2000
Happy Birthday Serena! Rini! Chibi Chibi!
New gundam wing section from blindkatt (still under construction)

June 29, 2000
Added kero-moved serena to sm section, changed lay out a bit....that's all gtg sailor moon is coming on woo!

June 28, 2000
Adopted a group of scouts in the sailor moon section....which is brand spanking new and i love it! PLEASE....I know I say this every day, but if you have links i'm looking for them, you can post them at the message board if you want or e-mail them...but please....if it's a shrine to a scout send it in! That's all i have for today, adios!

June 27, 2000
Lots of junk today....and more to come....
1) I finally finished all the characters in the sailor moon guide, i just have to finish getting single sites about each sailor...so if you have them PLEASE SEND THEM IN!!!!! I'm Desperate!!!!!!
2) I added a whole bunch of links to the link section, all the fan fic links that were in the submit section are now in the links section. More to come.....
3)WOAH! Sailor Moon section is COMPLETELY NEW! And MUCH LARGER! You may wanna stop by and give it a look :)

June 26, 2000
~I added a bunch to the sailor moon character stuff, just have amy, lita, michelle, and amara to update before i add other characters, i'll try to get them done by the end of this week, still looking for sites dedicated to single senshi, let me know here if you have any, thanks!
~I also added another banner to our banner links, same thing, if you have a neat banner send it here That's all for today! adios!

June 25, 2000
Got some new little icon button's courtasy of SENSHI

June 24, 2000
~I've been updating the sailor moon characters section a lot, i'm in search of sites dedicated to one singele characters and no others, if you have one or know of a really good one, please send the name and web adress here.
~Also, we adopted Serena up at the top of this page if you didn't notice her already :)

June 23, 2000
~We have a new little butterfree pal on this page, this is where he lives now :)

June 21, 2000
~I had a change in e-mail adress.
~Sailor Moon Super S to be released (in the USA) on August 15th, 2000. It will be called "Black Dream Hole"

June 20, 2000
~The episode of pokemon to be shown on June 24, 2000 is episode #18 "Beauty and the Beach", previously refered to as Holiday at Puerta Vista.
~We now have a guest book supplied by CJB
~We have a banner to this site now, go to Add Your Link to view it!