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These are my cheats (for gameboy) poke-gods Beat the elite 4 from 10- 38 times prof.oak will say im getting sick of this and he will let you walk around the hall of fame.and it takes you to city where people trade poke gods.i think it is caled air city. go too the man that gives you super rod talk to him 100 times he will give ultrer rod HM.6 hi fly your pokemon will fly up hi and bring down squrtil and some other water pokemon mabey even pika-blue if your luky. Raise your Pokemon's Stats Works for all versions. Take one pokemon out. After battling many pokemon, heal your pokemon at a Pokemon Center, then deposit it into the PC. Take it out again and its HP and stats will have risen. This code works because every time you fight a pokemon, you get a percentage of that pokemon's stats added into a "pool." It accumulates no matter what pokemon you fight, so if you want higher HP, fight many Chanseys. If you want higher speed, fight Pikachus. When you place a pokemon that has been accumulating this "stat experience" into the PC, the experience is applied and your pokemon's stats have risen. Get Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle Works for Yellow only. In order to get Bulbasaur, train Pikachu until he is super happy and jumps up and down when you speak to him. Then in Cerulean City, go to the house with Melanie in it and she will give you her bulbasaur. To get Charmander, simply beat Nugget Bridge. Go north and there will be a ledge with a boy on it. He will give you Charmander as long as you promise to take care of it. Finally, to get Squirtle, beat Lt. Surge. After obtaining the Thunder Badge from him, speak to Officer Jenny outside and she will give you Squirt