Main Page -- Marril's Waterpark

Hello and welcome to the Waterpark! I'd advise fire Pokémon take caution here. Have a nice stay!

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03-18-2002: I was looking through my /images directory and saw this neat little background image, so I thought why not? Can't quite remember where I got it from, though. Oh, and the GB stuff is almost ready, for the, what, two people who actually visit this site. =P It won't be much more than a simple glossary, but who cares? Oh, and I got rid of the music for something a bit better. The 'Gym died a year ago, dammit, no more need for the funeral-style music anymore. Oh, and I finally fixed the é's that somehow turned into weird symbols (I dl'ed Japanese Text Support, which I now know messes with ALT symbols).

01-27-2002: Got rid of some of the stuff that's been up at the top of the page for over a year now (i.e. that "this is my first attempt at a page..." statement). Compiling a list of facts for the GB games, just to make this site worth the two cents for the thoughts I sometimes put up here.

11-24-2001: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak! Wait, that's Dumbledore's line. Ah, who'm I kidding? Site's kinda got one foot in the grave. *is still doing the Journeys fic*

11-10-2001: Meep, this site's been like DEAD for the LONGEST while... o_O" I still work a bit on the Journeys fic, and I've come up with an Arca Demon battle to compliment the WarGreymon one, but that's it. Gomen nasai that I don't ever seem to update.

04-01-2001: ACK! I hate going w/out updates! Anyway, I finished "writing" a battlescript (JavaScript battle), accessible(sp?) from both up there and the About Me page. This is NOT an April Fools joke. I mean it. Really. Click on it and see. Note that while the battle may be really hard, it IS possible to beat it (I think...). [Dub Kero-chan]Well, see ya![/Dub Kero-chan]

01-19-2001: I am very sorry to report that the PokéGym is dead. TOTALLY dead. Terminal. Kaput. Sayanora. Adios amigos. USA Networks seems to have bought Psylum (the domain) and shut it down. Hearltess bastards that they are, they gave no warnings and no explanations. In fact, if it wasn't for qasic, it'd have been a lot worse. Qasic was the one who detected their admin account on their boards and banned it. He then cut it off from all outside server access. But USA Networks was not amused, and they ordered everything shut down. But, unlike the other sites, PokéGym will stay up, but Tyais and qasic had their FTP passwords removed, so no updates. I've no doubt you've noticed the music change at the bottom, which is mood music of sorts. Sad music, like the kind you get at a funeral. I had hoped that Pokémon Forest X would be the last great Pokémon site to be ruthlessly and heartlessly obliterated. USA Networks: 地獄へ行きなさい。 (Go to Hell)

Pokémon, Marril, and all related characters are © 1995-2002 Nintendo, Creatures Inc,, and Gamefreak Inc. Marril's Waterpark is an unofficial fan site, not affiliated with any of the above companies in any way, shape, or form. In no way am I trying to infringe upon the copyright. However, all fiction, art, etc. on this site is © me, so no using it!


Do not read this subliminal message. DRINK COKE Do not read this subliminal message.