My dear school! :O)

Welcome to one of the EIM homepages. Like most homepages, there will be pictures but most of the students so u can see how crazy we are even if we have a very good reputation! I'll even put a picture of the principal! Nice huh? But I don't like her, she transforms the school too much! Well just go see the pics and if you have NE comments don't hesitate to email me.

<BGSOUND SRC="midi/winterfall.mid" LOOP=FALSE>


Wow nice. Very old with trees on the front! Not bad. But c'mon, we're in a rich neighbourhood (Westmount) so why don't we have a better place. Ah well, too bad.


Euh... those are some of the students. No more comments!


Here are my friends reunited. Well, they're normal people at least!

Sim & Lau

Geography was a fun class!

André Bernier


End of the year!

Finally! Sec. 4 is over! And the red cercled person is the principal!

Yay! School's over!

Two crazy chicks! Know them? Eva & Val!