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Mandatory general and links page

Excellent sites (Well...they don't suck)

The pojo, THE final word in pokemon cards
Zelda's Rare Candy Shop, one weird fanfiction your parents don't want you seeing it!
Uiru's Pokémon DataBase. with a link to The Galaxy Gym. A large repository on the Pokemon game boy games
Pokeschool: An excellent site, mostly 'cause of the bulleting boards. Sign up today, kiddies!

This website is being constructed for several reasons.

I love reading and writing, and pokemon, so I took a cue from many other fans, and wrote a fanfiction. For those who don't know, a fanfiction is a story written by a fan of something. For example, I like Pokemon, so I wrote this fanfiction to express my feelings.

There aren't enough sites on the web with Pokemon fanfiction. The ones containing them often have fics with poor grammar and such, so I decided to finally post mine.

At the same time, this site is also a do-it-yourself tutorial for me, I'm learning this as I go along. So enjoy.