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Since 1/15/00


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April 3: We just estabished the Pokemon Plus Top 20 Sites! Check it out at the bottom of the page.Want 150-200 hits on your site A DAY? The new Pokemon Plus Banner exchange! One of the best ways to get traffic to your site. Click here for more info. Also, please vote for us in the topsites lists located to the left and at the bottom. Thanks.

Mar 20: I'm aware that this site takes a bit too long to load. I apologize, and I'm trying to cut it down. I got rid of that stupid PsyPoke banner, who cares if I won those online badges. Thanks. Oh, I changed the music, don't worry, it's only temporary.

Mar. 17: Happy St. Patricks Day! I haven't updated in a while, but I did some stuff. Check out this picture. Take a look at it for a second. Don't ask me why I did it. I don't really know. Well, later.

Feb 26: Check it out! Want to build a site but don't know HTML? Click here: Also, send a greeting card! Click here to Create a card! Have fun!

Feb 23:Pokemon Plus will soon be one of the greatest sites on the web! Spread the word! Go to the link to us section and grab a button or banner and put it on your site! Check out the icons! They're from the Pokemon Gold version.

Feb 21:We now have a shorter adress! It's:"CANCELED FORGET IT".Please check out our sponsors. Thanks.

Feb 19:Want to link to us? We now offer that! Click here! Also, vote for us in Charizard's top 50 Pokemon Sites. Be sure to check out all the stuff near the bottom of the page. I must say we've gone a long way since we first started. Next I hope to work on game cheats. Oh yeah, the message board is working! Please click on the ads. One click helps this site!

Feb 17: Great news. The Pokenews section, Pokerap and other songs section, AND the Events section are up! Check 'em out! Don't forget to stop by my chatroom! Hope you like the new stuff!

I'd like to thank Angelfire for all the great stuff that helped me build my page!


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