Paper Mario


PUT KOOPER ON YOUR TEAM.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After you visit the star spirits on shooting star summit, visit Merlon. Go east form toad town. There should be 4 toad there that won’t let you though. Go back to merlon. Talk to him while your right next to him. He should go outside and talk to them. They should turn into the Koopa Brothers. They’ll turn and run. Fallow them. When you reach a plain with steps going down and a sign. The sign will point down for Koopa village and right for Koopa brothers’ castle. Go down. The Koopa village will be filled with fuzzys. Get everyone’s shell back and rid the town of them. Then go to Cooper’s house. Chase the fuzzy with his shell down. After a while you will come to 4 trees and the fuzzys will play shell games with you. Get it right twice and you should Get the shell back. Give it to Cooper and he will join your team. Then a whole bunch of fuzzys will attack you.