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The Special Page

Yo, this is the JANET special page. I had to create this page because of certain picture requests of MAWMY DUNK that a certain "StepDaddy" of mines from the MISSJANET Chatroom had to have have up! some of them are mines too.. he hehe

Dis is da pic of MAWMY DUNK blowin a kiss at stepdaddy

Here another pic of mawmy dunk puttin on her

I see whay stepdaddy sent dis picture..tryna be slick..hehe

*DUN HIT DA FLO* LOOK at Steppy chillin inna picture..I dunno who dun did dose graphics..ROTFL

Im never ever gona loose this pic right here!

AND i dont think stepdaddy will ever loose this one.. This was taken in da "Secret Room"..hehe

I love this pic, just one of a million.


*HIT DA FLO* dis WON'T my idea! *GOT MILK?*

lawd have mercy! im iz dyin!!