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Prepare to enter the world of my illusions. Welcome all, to the illusions of my mind, my Pokemon Fanfics. Some of these fanfics comtain violence and cursing, this is just a warning to my readers, I wouldn't want to catch you offguard. This site was made in May of 2000.

The Burning Hope
The Pokemon World is in devestation as Giovanni has taken over, and is now joined up with another originization of criminals, the Black Bandits. Now all trainers who are not a part of the crinimal society are forced to suffer, but there is one young boy who will not stand for it. With his trusty Growlithe by his side, Tobias is the only hope for a devestated world of crime

Submitted FanFics: Their Illusions

Here you can read illusions written by readers like yourself, you can go read, and even submit a master piece of your own if you like!

FanFic FanArt: Drawn Illusions

Here you can submit FanArt about my fanfics, let your imagination go wild, sumbit your own art!

Sign Pokemon Fanfics: My Guestbook

View Pokemon Fanfics: My Guestbook.

Feel free to sign or view the guestbook, now you can leave your thoughts, comments, and criticisms!

10-7-00-Hey all! Seems like I'm forming a bad habit of not updating huh? Feel free to thwack me if you want! I don't want to be a bad web mistress! Anyways, as you may have noticed, The Beast Within exsists no more. :*-( After a terrible duel with a computer virus, the story didn't quite recover. Not to mention the story did not have much going for it anyways. But this also means that I can work more on the Burning Hope! All together now...HOORAY!!! There will be a new part to it by my next update, until then everyone...Satsu Ryoumi!

As always, comments, criticisms, hate-mail, love mail (wink wink), fanfics, and fanart are wanted! E-mail me at

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