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Some words from me!

yes this is my stuff and i thought it was fun.. my name is


and thats all you need to know now dont you. ..Yes it is enjoyable looking at my stupid page..

I would like to mention one of my favorite web pages to go to. yes it is my friends but its all about his computer ap here to check it out !!!! now that you have seen and read all this great stupid stuff.. you should visit my friends page his is even dumber and more cooler than mine.. Hell yeah!


Hey Its me Nathan.. i made this page.. yes i know you love me but to add to my collection of britney is a really cool dog it has nothing to do with britney nor is it as remotely close to being as hot as her.. but hey here he is check this mofo out.

So now when you come to my page you can all saw WASSSSSSSUP

D a w g !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways what is up fockers do you enjoy this crap if you do you are really messed up but hey there is nothing wrong with that serioiusly though you have to be more messed up than I am to still be looking at this crap.. i mean as of right now i am in school bored.. but what are you doing probably at home bored go out!!!

What other crazy stuff could i put on this crazy page, maybe thats what ill do go picture searching..

Well I did find a picture to paste on and that will right below this little inquiry.. I would just like to that wouldnt it be cool to change your name to Heywood Jablowme

Star date 6409081 today we ran into the nasty clingons again, they were scairy as ever with there fat ugly faces with huge teeth. But have no fear we beat them down as usual made them our slaves and tortured them till they said mercy. After that big occurence we went to the planet of apes and swung around for a while until one of the female monkeys wanted to have sex with me then the party was over. Once back aboard the Enterprise i did some lightsabering pracitce and kicked yoda's ass. Then vader came along and we tipped a few back and smoked a phat ol blunt. Man were we messed up. Saw a couple of pink bunnies those fockers are quick... vader ended up tripping over a chair killing himself by twisting his neck.. it was sad for about 10 mins then i forgot about it and toked it up again. Its really hard to keep track of time out here in deep space there is no freaking sun i dont know when to sleep and when not to. Messes a space type guy up. (thats me) but thats all for today folks

Well here i am again today, I have for you now is another link to one of my friends pages.. he just started and he knows absoulutely nothing but he'll learn fast enough CLick Here mofo

Next UP on the Nate Mobile!!

Your probably wondering what this page hasta do with pokemon since in the directory to this page has pokemon in it well ill tell ya the truth this page has nothing to do with pokemon,and this is not an official spears webpage, and well the pics. of britney are just a little something to lively things up a bit.. sooooo.. Did it work?!?!


Dear abby, today i realized my life sucks. Why basically because i just cant get any good tang now a days, so i thought i would send yah out a message saying how good you were looking in the newspapaer the other day. hmmmm.. yah baby! My number is 840 2174 and my mailing address is 332 Come get your love st. Annapolis Ohio. My name is Heywood Jablowme. I can tell you about some of my previous dates. Well the last girl I went out with had lopsided boobs.. very nice girl and all but very lopsided. You boobs just arnet lopsided. The girl before that had a third nipple that was kind of cool for the first 5 mins.. then after awhile i got confused and it really complicated things. It was kind of like there should be another woman there or something.. yah know what im saying. Have you ever had a girl say you look pretty in that dress.. well i have.. dont aske me how I ended up in a dress it was messed up and purely her fault. From your true pimp daddy!


Hello my people my fans.. if any. Whats up.. today on my excavations to the deep briny depths of the bermuta triangle i ran in to some big freakying squids.. Man were these fockers huge like almost as big as my moms great aunts sisters head. Talking "Gigungus"(quote Deeeeeeeeevon) here. Any ways.. we were on the search of the lost city of atlantis when these monster squids came at us. So brave little me turned around and shot my water rifle at the sons of a beeeeotches.. and guess what it killed one but there was like 8 million of them so basically i was screwed and got butt raped by 8 million - 1 monster squids believe it was not pretty. Those suckers arent fun when they start stinging. but here i am alive to tell the story have no fear!! woot!

Hey people today I have an extra special adventure for you all. Me and a couple of friends. Rob, Deez, Mike, Mike, Matt, and little kweefer. We all went to canoun to get some hoes.We were gonna fly but decided no on that, so we all pitched in a hell of a lot of money and bought a big ol phat mini van.On our way down there (from minnesota) Kweefer was having a nic fit like every 10 mins. so we dumped him off at colorado told him we would pick him up on the way back.. We felt bad, but hey we were going to cancoun to get some hoes there was nothing that could stop us!!!! It was all smooth sailing till we got to arkansas. I guess we took a wrong turn and ended up near a swampy are, Some nasty hicks up in there.. damn they had ol 22's, and everything waiting for supper which i guess was us. We got out with only a couple of holes in the mini van. they didnt hit the tank because they were not that smart. So we got out of there and ended up in Texas not sure how. So we took a little break off in texas and loaded up on our drugs. Yah know that good stuff. extamacy! Yah mike and mike eat those like candy it probaly isnt very good for them, but what drugs are. We ended up loosing them to some pink bunnies they said they were going out hunting they never came back.. So now it was just me deez matt and rob. Deez found some hoes to play in new mexico told us to pick him up on the way back, said he was gonna make some hell phat cash. Cause he is some big player wanna be. We let him go though see what he could do. So rob matt and I finally made it to cancoun.. with in like 10 mins of being there we were already plastered and passed out. Then the police came in and busted us and like "patted us down" felt more like they were trying to get down my pants so.. i took off rob looked like he wa enjoying it so i let him stay and i busted matt out. Me and matt ran for about a good 10 mins.. and we lost them. Ended up somewhere near brazil.. for a 10 min run we made one hell of a distance. So we were walking around in the Amazon rain forest when these native brazilian indians came and blew some sleeping darts at us.. when we woke up we were in some kind of hula skirt and had make-up on. the rest is a blur but some how i got back home with, 4 tattoos, a pig, 5 chickens, about 9 sleeping darts in me.. with one wicked hangover.

Are You HOT or NOT?

Phat link

my old webpage.. no britney
