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Hi! I just got this page so if it has hardly anything on it when you first come here, don't worry! I try to get as many cheats as possible and to try as many as possible but I can't check them all. 1. Togepi in Bill's garden. $Obtain 150 pokemon. Then put these pokemon in this order: 1-dratini, 2-dragonair, 3-dragonite, 4-articuno, 5-zapdos, 6-moltres. Then go talk to bill. He will then show you into his garden where you can catch togepi. 2.Nidogod * Train six Nidokings to level 100 without using rare cadies. Then teach one STRENGTH and go to the safari zone. Push the statues in front of the secret house and one will move. Your Nidokings will now be one Nidogod. 3.Charcolt ^ Get a level 100 Charizard and a level 100 Rapidash. Go to the Unknown Dungeon and to the place Mewtwo was. Press "a" and you will obtain the Flare Stone which will merge the pokemon into a Charcolt. 4.Mooneon # Get all of the Eevee evolutions and search in the Rock Tunnel. You will find a Mist Stone which will merge the pokemon into a Mooneon. 5.Togepi ^Go to Mount Moon and use the Itemfinder 100 times in different places. On the 101st time you will find an egg which will hatch into Togepi.
