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Pokémon Cheats

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Here are some Pokémon Yellow GAMESHARK cheats Type in: 01??D7CF to catch any Pokémon you want In the question marks, fill in the Pokémon number or letters Here are the famous Pokémon: 9A Venusaur B4 Charizard 1C Blastoise 7D Butterfree 72 Beedrill 97 Pidgeot A6 Raticate 23 Fearow 2D Arbok 54 Pikachu 55 Raichu 61 Sandslash 10 Nidoqueen 07 Nidoking 04 Cleafairy 8E Clefable 53 Ninetales 64 Jigglypuff 65 Wigglytuff 82 Golbat BB Vileplume 2E Parasect 77 Venomoth 76 Dugtrio 90 Persian 80 Golduck 75 Primeape 14 Arcanine 6F Poliwrath 26 Kadabra 95 Alakazam 7E Machamp BE Victreebell 9B Tentacruel 31 Golem A4 Rapidash 08 Slowbro 36 Magneton 74 Dodrio 78 Dewdong 88 Muk 8B Cloyster 0E Gengar 22 Onix 81 Hypno 8A Kingler 8D Electrode 0A Exeggutor 91 Marowalk 2b Hitmonlee 2C Hitmonchan 0B Lickitung 8F weezing 01 Rhydon 28 Chansey 1E Tangela 02 Kangaskhan 5D Seadra 98 seaking 98 Starmie 28 Mr. Mime 1A Scyther 48 Jynx 35 Electabuzz 33 Magmar 1D Pinsir 3C Tauros 16 Gyrados 13 Lapras 4c Ditto 66 Eevee 69 Vaporeon 68 Jolteon 67 Flareon AA Porygon 63 Omastar 5B Kabutops AB Aerodactyl 84 Snorlax 48 Articuno 4B Zapdos 49 Moltres 42 Dargonite 83 Mewtwo 15 Mew Here is 99 masterballs for $0 at any Pokemart.Type in: 01017ccf 01017dcf 01017ecf 01017fcf (NOTE: All the Pokémon you type in will be between the levels 3-30 depending how far you are in the game.) pokemontop50 Pokemon Top 40 Site List