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"Air Trash" was founded by a US ex-Special Ops Captain G.W. Doht who had three tours in Vietnam and was once shot in the head by the Viet Cong.  An "Air Trash" is a skydiver whom have met all the criteria needed to be an "Air Trash" and is bestowed upon him/her by the President (of "Air Trash") himself.

Air Trash Malaysian Chapter is headed by "Air Trash" Lt (Rtd) A Aziz Ahmad RMAF, who is also the Malaysian Department of Civil Aviation's Chief Parachuting Instructor/Examiner.  His skydive resume apart from representing Malaysia in various skydive competitions include being the only representative from this region to participate in the record-breaking Canopy Relative Work 56-way diamond formation in Germany in 1996.  He was also the Jump Leader for the North Pole Free Fall Expedition in 1998, and was the other half of the first Malaysian BASE jumpers who did their first BASE jump from the Kuala Lumpur Tower in 1999.

Aziz has been skydiving since 1977.

His assistant is "Air Trash" Capt (Rtd) Abdul Rahmat Omar RMAF who is the Chapter's Training Coordinator as well as a qualified Jumpmaster/Instructor.  His skydive resume apart from representing Malaysia in various skydive competitions include his role as Aziz's deputy and co-planner of the North Pole Free Fall Expedition in 1998 as well as the planner for the first Malaysian BASE jump off the Kuala Lumpur Tower in 1999.

He has been skydiving since 1989.

These two make up the nucleus of a group of people whom would like to share the joys and fun of skydiving with others.  Air Trash Malaysian Chapter IS NOT a club nor is it a company which is profit-oriented.  They provide the training based in Ipoh as well as Mersing in Peninsular Malaysia but can also conduct training anywhere as long as it is economically viable.