Vending Kangaskhan

Vending Kangaskhan HP: 80 Weakness: Fighting Resistance: Psychic Retreat Cost: 3 Colorless Move 1: Tackle -2 Colorles- 20 damage. Move 2: Blinding Punch -3 Colorless- 80 damage. Flip two coins. If one or both of them are tails this attack fails. Picture: A Kangaskhan with a lighting bolt in the background.

Pretty werid card. It can be sometimes useful, but it is based alot of coin flip. Some other things are okay and some are bad. Let's check out Vending Kangaskhan.


Tackle is a ok 20 for 2 Energies or a Double Colorless Energy. It is good for KO'ing Mimes in the early going or late game when the bigger Pokemon are out in play. Also, a ok attacker as well.

Blinding Punch

For 3 Colorless Energies you get a attack that has a 25% of even working. When you narrow that down, thats ever 1 in 4 times you use it, it will work! It does a stiff and hard fighting 80 damage, but thats if you get two heads which is pretty hard to do.


Vending Kangaskhan has a great basic HP of 80, which is very cool. He has Weakness to Fighting making Hitmonchan Jap in and kill it in two turns or Special Punch it for 80. Vending Kangashan has a Resistance to Psychic which I guess would be good against a Psyhcic deck as long as Resistance Gym isn't out. Also has a bad 3 Colorless to Retreat which can be solved by Switch or Wrap Point.


Not much combos. Might want to have Super Potion and Defender ready when using Blinding Punch to stall while you try to flip heads. Not many great combos can go along with this card.


I give Vending Kangaskhan a 4.2. I don't think a attack that has a 25% chance of working is really worth it and Tackle isn't enough to back it up.

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