
Scyther Type: Basic Pokémon Card#: 10/64 Rarity: Holo Color: Grass HP: 70 Weakness: R Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 0 Pkmn#: 123 Species: Mantis Lv: 25 Attack: [G] Swords Dance During your next turn, Scyther's Slash attack's base damage is 60 instead of 30. Attack: [3] Slash (30)

It's the best all around deck card ever made. It's a strong Pokemon in Haymaker decks with it's strong attacks for a basic Pokemon and really good stats. So let's take a closer look at Scyther.

Swords Dance

A good turn one attack that can turn into 60 on turn two. Don't play Grass Energy for this attack only if Scyther is your only Grass Pokemon in your deck. Also, if you have Grass, Scyther could be a strong starter and a Energy Trans deck or good to use with your facing Base Set Mewtwo or Chansey.


3 Colorless energy for 30 is why this is a all around card. Its really quick and can hard to keep up with sometimes. Also, this attack is the main reason that Scyther is so good.


The other huge part about why Scyther is so poplular. Only downfall to his stats is the Weakness to Fire which about of people are preparing for. But the 70Hp is to cool along with the Resistance to Fighting cancelling out Hitmonchan and the Free Retreat makes it all te better.


This is a great card with Double Colorless Energy. Also a good basic in a Energy Trans deck, Trapper, or Haymaker. You can put it in any deck really!


I give Scyther a 9.5. It is just so good, but fire is getting so common.

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