Sabrina's Gengar Non-Holo Version

Sabrina's Gengar Type: Stage 2 < Sabrina's Haunter Card#: 29/132 Rarity: Rare Color: Psychic HP: 90 Weakness: none Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 2 Pkmn#: 94 Species: Shadow Lv: 42 Attack: [PP] Dark Wave (20) All Pokémon Powers stop working until the end of your opponent's next turn. Attack: [PPP] Shadow Bind (40) The Defending Pokémon can't retreat during your opponent's next turn.

Pretty good card in a way and pretty bad. It all goes down to Resistance for Dark Wave. Let's check out this cool card.

Dark Wave

2 Psychic Energies for 20 damage and disabling all Pokemon Powers is pretty cool. The bad thing aqbout this attack is if you use it on a Ditto, it will do nothing! It will do 10 if you have Resistance Gym out. Same with Erika's Dratini. Still a good attack if Muk, Venusaur, or Blastoise is in your way.

Shadow Bind

Like I said for Holo Sabrina's Gengar, 3 Psychics for 40 is a very good attack. Plus, your opponent cannot Retreat so their stuck while you do out 40 damage. Really cool attack if you can get it powered up. It can KO a Promo Mewtwo or a Hitmonchan or hit. Pretty cool card, but I like the Holo Version better.


The 2 Colorless Retreat isn't to great, but I guess the 90HP makes up for it. Sabrina's Gengar also has a cool Resistance to Fighting Pokemon and no Weakness is cool too.


You can use it with Sabrina's Cards, like Saffron City Gym. Not much of a combo card, more of a disruptor card and a straight out attacker. Also need Resistance Lower Gym to help out against Colorless Pokemon.


I give Non-Holo Sabrina's Gengar a 8.6. It has great stats and can do some disruptive stuff if powered up.

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