
This is one of the cards that has ruined Pokemon. This card is so unpredictable and can help any Pokemon destroy anything. I wish this card was never even made!

My Opinion

This card is a key component in any Haymaker or Wavemaker deck. 4 of these card are a must, espeically in a Erika's Jigglypuff deck. The ability to do a extra 10 ten and play more then one of these a turn has made this card so broken it isn't funny. It is just so unpredictable.

Few Darwbacks

One of the drawbacks is that you have to attach this to your Active Pokemon and not your Bench Pokemon like Defender can. Also, if you retreat, it is discarded. It also dosen't apply Weakness and Resistance for the attack.

Chaos Gym

You do have to flip for Chaos Gym but if you can't get tails your opponent can't use it (I duno wanna situations where you can use it anyway).


I give PlusPower a 9.8. This card is just so broken it isn't really funny. This is one of the cards that ruined Pokemon.

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