Misty's Gyarados

Misty's Gyarados Type: Stage 2 < Misty's Magikarp Card#: 13/132 Rarity: Holo Color: Water HP: 100 Weakness: G Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 3 Pkmn#: 130 Species: Atrocious Lv: 42 Power: "Rebellion" Whenever Misty's Gyarados attacks, flip 2 coins. If both of them are tails, that attack does nothing. Instead, shuffle Misty's Gyarados and all cards attached to it into your deck. (This power works even if Misty's Gyarados is Confused.) Attack: [WWWW] Tidal Wave (70)

70 damage is a very nice damage rate, but before we get to that lets have a closer look at the rest of Gyarados including it's unusual Pokemon Power.

Tidal Wave

Tidal Wave will be very hard to power up if your not playing Raindance. He will usually get Gust of Wind if no energy because of his Retreat Cost or the Misty's Magikarp will be KO'ed. But if your playing Raindance this attack will be very effective in KO'ing those Haymaker Pokemon and Wigglytuff with a simple PlusPower or Misty.

Pokemon Power Rebellion

In my opinion this Pokemon Power can be more of a bad one then a good one. Two tails meand you shuffle it back into your deck. So that means you might be delayed a KO, and all that work getting 4 Water Energies on Misty's Gyarados and getting him out so Misty's Magikarp dosen't die is gone. Once you get a big hitter out you don't want to shuffle him back into your deck. Also, his Pokemon DOES work even when he is Confused! But thankfully theres only a 25% chance of that happening. And of course in rare situations when your about to be decked this Pokemon Power could be useful.


The bad things about Misty's Gyarados like I said before is his huge # Colorless Retreat cost. Which can be fixed by putting SwitchWrap Point into your deck. Misty's Gyarados also has a Weakness to Grass making his a easy KO but Scyther when using Swords Dance then Slash for a 120.

Misty's Gyarado's does have good stats though. A 100HP is also good. And Resistance to Fighting Types make him even better.


Of course, this card has a great combo with Raindance. But like I said before, if you get two tails theres 4 Water Energies back int your deck. But A quick KO with 70 is good. Also good with Misty's Cards such as Cerulean City Gym and Misty.


Since Misty's Gyarados takes 4 Water Energies to power himself up, and that all could be shuffled back into your deck. I give Misty's Gyarados a 7.5. This is a very cool card though. :)

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