Imposter Professor Oak

Impostor Professor Oak Type: Trainer Card#: 73/102 Rarity: Rare Text: Your opponent shuffles his or her hand into his or her deck, then draws 7 cards.

Why do Wizards make bad cards such as this? Now if Imposter Profesor Oak and Professor Ulm cards which, that would be alot better. But I just do not like this card at all.

Helping Hand

If you want to help your opponent beat you, well here you go. Let your opponent shuffle their hand into their deck and draw 7 fresh cards. Not a great thing to do.


If you opponent has less then 7 cards in their hand and is going to get deck soon I guess this could be useful. But situations like that don't really happen that often. It's not something to put in your deck just incase or a stall, because in a stall your opponent is going to build up their hand so it won't be any good.

Returning Cards

Might be useful if your opponent has a Evolution deck of some sort and they use Computer Search and Bill alot you could then play it for hand disruption. But then again Imposter Oak's Revenge is so much better at doing that.

Tickle Me Decked

Tickle Machine could work well with this card. Use Tickle Machine and hopefully get heads. Then, play it and make them draw 7 more cards. A quick way to try and deck them. Also real good with a Moltres Wildfire with Chansey and Lickitung.


I give Imposter Professor Oak a 3.4. It is good in some situations, but others it's useful. And Tickle Machine needs a heads to ever use it.

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