
Hitmonlee Type: Basic Pokémon Card#: 7/62 Rarity: Holo Color: Fighting HP: 60 Weakness: P Resistance: none Retreat: 1 Pkmn#: 106 Species: Kicking Lv: 30 Attack: [FF] Stretch Kick If your opponent has any Benched Pokémon, choose 1 of them and this attack does 20d to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Attack: [FFF] High Jump Kick (50)

This Pokemon is a mean one when powered up. It can do either 50 damage or 20 to a Benched Pokemon. Some others thing lack, but let's look at Hitmonlee.

Stretch Kick

It takes two fighting to power up which really isn't bad, I just like cards what turn one attacks. This attack can do 20 to a Bench and dosen't apply effects which I think is more bad then good. It can help set up High Jump Kick though to Knock Out anything from a Chansey to a Electabuzz. Also good when fighting a Pokemon that has Resistance.

High Jump Kick

It's not really expensize, just hard to use. It takes 3 turns to power up which is good. Good to have Resistance Gym out incase of Scythers or TR Zapdos come into play. It can really hurt weak Pokemon and this card may work well with a few Pokeflutes and Gust of Winds.


Since this card is a little hard to power up the 60HP just hurts it so much. It's really bad to take alot of time to power him up and then just be KO'ed. He also has no Resistance which is bad and the Retreat Cost is normal. The Weakness to Psychic also hurts alot allowing him to be KO'ed by Movie Promo Mewtwo easily.

Good with Stalling Cards like Kangaskhan or Chansey. Something to stall when getting the Bench built. Also good with Pokeflutes and Gust of Wind combo to KO weak Pokemon like Squirtle or Bulbasaur when brought back. Pretty good Haymaker fighting card too.


I give Hitmonlee a 7.8. It's HP just hurts him so much and so does the Weakness to Psychic. But the attacks though are really good.

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