
Gengar Type: Stage 2 < Haunter Card#: 5/62 Rarity: Holo Color: Psychic HP: 80 Weakness: none Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 1 Pkmn#: 94 Species: Shadow Lv: 38 Power: "Curse" Once during your turn (before your attack), you may move 1 damage counter from 1 of your opponent's Pokemon to another (even if it would Knock Out the other Pokemon). This power can't be used if Gengar is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. Attack: [PPP] Dark Mind (30) If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, choose 1 of them and this attack does 10 damage to it. (Don't apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)

One of the coolest cards out there. This little card was the first to create a Bench Attack deck and others followed behind it. Let's check out the star, Gengar.

Dark Mind

Three Psychics for 30 damage and 10 to a Bench Pokemon is pretty good. If you have Resistance Lower Gym in your deck to help elimate Weakness so you can attack at full power and disrupt your opponent's Pokemon and kill them. Pretty good attack overall.


Very good combo with Dark Mind. You can KO a Pokemon by moving 10 damage on it. Moving damage around can destroy your opponent and their Pokemon. It is what makes this card one of the best ever out there.


This card has some of the best stats out there! No Weakness is very cool making sure no Pokemon can take advantage of that, 80HP is very strong and can last awhile, 1 Retreat Cost is good since Pokemon usually with 80HP have higher. 1 Retreat Cost is very cool to since also it's a Stage 2. Gengar also have Resistance to Fighting make Hitmonchans cry.


This card is a good combo with Erika's Dragonair since Erika's Dragonair is Colorless and has Blizzard. Also good with cards like Gust of Wind and Trapper Cards.


I give Gengar a 8.9. Very good stats, solid moves and evolutions, and can do some good damage. Only thing wrong with it is Resistance.

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