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Erika's Dratini

Erika's Dratini Type: Basic Pokémon Card#: 42/132 Rarity: Uncommon Color: Colorless HP: 40 Weakness: none Resistance: P -30 Retreat: 1 Pkmn#: 147 Species: Dragon Lv: 14 Power: "Strange Barrier" Whenever an attack by a Basic Pokémon (including your own) does 20 or more damage to Erika's Dratini (after applying Weakness and Resistance), reduce that damage to 10. (Any other effects of attacks still happen.) This power stops working while Erika's Dratini is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed. Attack: [2] Tail Strike (10+) Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage; if tails, this attack does 10 damage.

A good Anti-Haymaker Pokemon. I just wish it could do more for Tail Strike. Like 20 and a chance of 30 or 20 and a chance to be Paralyzed. Like take a look.

Strange Barrier

The reason this little Basic is so good. Reduces all BASIC Pokemon's attacks to 10. You throw him and Mr. Mime together for a very annoying deck. This power can shut down some decks in a way, but 40HP isn't that greatly hard to get pasted. I suggest using Berry with Erika's Dratini to help keep the little critter going. Celadon City Gym is also good because it is one of Erika's Pokemon.

Tail Strike

Like I said above, I wish it did more. It is good is some situations, but in others, not. If your trying to beat down some Haymaker Pokemon, remember to use Berry and PlusPower to make it easier for you. This card gets real annoying when you get constant tails. I quick this attack is a bit expensize.


No Weakness, great, Resistance to Psychic, always a plus. One Retreat Cost, pretty good, but not great. 40HP, well this card shouldn't have more because it would be to broken. It's Stats are all good besides the low HP which Strange Barrier helps in a way.


Since Erika's Dratini's power only works aganist Basics, why not Aerodactyl? You could also use Fossil Mew to De-Evolve the Pokemon and then fight them with Erika's Dratini with Aerodactyl out. Nice. Erika's Dratini will work good in any deck, Celadon City Gym and Berry also are good with Erika's Dratini.


I give Erika's Dratini a 8.0. It's attack just isn't strong enough and the low HP is bad too.