Promo Eevee

Eevee Distributed through the Pokémon TCG League June 2000. Type: Basic Pokémon Card#: 11 (Holo) Color: Colorless HP: 30 Weakness: F Resistance: P -30 Retreat: 1 Pkmn#: 133 Species: Evolution Lv: 7 Power: "Chain Reaction" This power can only be used when a Pokémon evolves. Search your deck for a card that evolves from Eevee and attach it to Eevee. This counts as evolving Eevee. Shuffle your deck afterward. This power cannot be used if Eevee is Asleep, Confused or Paralyzed. Attack: [1] Bite (20)

This card has some great combos to go with it. It probably is the best Eevee made in my opinion. Let's take a closer look.


Nice little colorless attack so it can used for any of Eevee's evolution decks. A solid 20 damage but it won't last long with the 30HP. It's good when you need the KO or starting a game.


Two positive stats and 2 negative stats. The Weakness to Fighting makes him Hitmonchan bait but the Resistance to Psychic can help destroy a Promo Mewtwo. The 30HP makes it dead by anything but the free retreat helps anytime.

Chain Reaction

Very good Pokemon Power with more then 1 of these guys out. You can get out any Eevee evolution which is cool. So you can get out Espeon or Darj Jolteon or whatever is in your deck. Another good thing about Eevee's Pokemon Power is that you can use it when Aerodactyl evolves from Fossil. Cool.


Like I said above, great with other Promo Eevee's. Also good with Neo 2 Eevee. Also good with Pokemon Trader and any solid Eevee deck.


Okay attack, some bad stautes, great PP, I give Promo Eevee a 7.8.

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