
Butterfree Type: Stage 2 < Metapod Card#: 33 of 64 Rarity: Uncommon Color: Grass HP: 70 Weakness: R Resistance: F -30 Retreat: 0 Pkmn#: 12 Species: Butterfly Lv: 28 Attack: [2] Whirlwind (20) If your opponent has any Benched Pokemon, he or she chooses 1 of them and switches it with the Defending Pokemon. (Do the damage before switching the Pokemon.) Attack: [GGGG] Mega Drain (40) Remove a number of damage counters from Butterfree equal to half the damage done to the Defending Pokemon (after applying Weakness and Resistance) (rounded up to the nearest 10).

The attacks are good, but they are just so expensize. And it also has bad previous forms in Metapod and Caterpie.


Whirlwind takes 2 Colorless and is like a Gust of Wind. It does 20 and then switches. So a quick Double Colorless Energy is a Gust of Wind. A pretty nice attack.

Mega Drain

This attack is way way to expensize. For 4 Grass it does 40 and heals most likely 20 and very rarely 40. This card isn't good in a Venusaur Transfer deck because two Stage 2's aren't usually that good. But if you can get him going I guess t could be a ok attack, but like I said powering it up is the hardest part.


Butterfree stats are very good except for the common Weakness of Fire. Butterfree has alright HP of 70 (not to great for a Stage 2), Resistance to Fighting, and Free Retreat Cost is cool also.


This card isn't all that great at all because of 4 Grass to use it's strongest attack and more then 1 Stage 2 types isn't all that great unless you're playing a turbo type deck. I guess Butterfree's best shot is with Venusaur though.


Analyzing the Free Retreat, Resistance to Fighting, 70HP, Weakness to Fighting, a DCE for 20 and a Gust of Wind type move, and a very expensize second attack, I give Butterfree a 5.0. I just don't really like this card.

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