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Aipom Type: Basic Pokémon Card #: 26/111 Rarity: Uncommon Color: Colorless HP: 40 HP Weakness: F Resistance: P -30 Retreat Cost: none Pkmn#: 190 Species: Long Tail Level: 18 Attack: [1] Pilfer Shuffle Aipom and all cards attached to it into your deck. Flip a coin. If heads, shuffle a card from your discard pile into your deck. Attack: [1] Tail Rap (10×) Flip 2 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.

Cool card in its own way. Not much for a big damage attacker, but for reshuffling cards into your deck is great.

Tail Rap

An average 10 damage for a single Energy. Wow, now that is alot of damage! (Yeah, right). Well, I guess the people who made these cards had to give little Aipom another attack besides Piffer, so I guess they chose this horrible attack. Would be better if it just did 20 damage by itself. I don't know why you would attack with it anyway.


The reason this card is good. For a single Energy, you shuffle Aipom and all cards attached to him into your deck. That attack alone, will put two cards in your deck. Also, you flip a coin. If heads, you can take ANY card from your discard pile and shuffle it back too. Things like Dark Energy, Double Coorless Energy, Traners, anything! But you only get 1 and there is a 50% you will get nothing.


Good and bad. 40HP is always bad of course, and the Weakness to Fighting makes an easy kill for Hitmonchan or Gligar. The Psychic Resistance is ok, but not great. Free Retreat kind of makes the theme of this card perfect.


Really good in a deck that has Sneasel, Steelix, or anything of that nature. Also good in a Alakazam stall deck where you can retreive cards if you need too, and shuffle cards back in your deck.


I wouldn't put 4 of these in my deck anyday, or even 2 for that matter. Piffer is nothing to rely in because of the flip. 40HP really stinks too. I give Aipom a 5.5/10.