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Name: Randy Fladeland
Alias: RJ, Arge, Gay-J, R-Gay, Homo-us Maximus
Favorite Suit: (Not available)
Favorite Bower: (Not available)
T.E.D. Rating: (Not available)
Special Moves:
The Hand trade: trading an opponent's hand for his own before either have looked at the cards
The Hand show: consists of Rj showing his hand to an opponent, provided the opponent shows RJ his hand
Grab-ass: pretty much self-explanitory
Quote: "Were you lookin' at my hand???"
Quote: "You're throwing away trump!"
Quote: "Fuckin' A!!"
Quote: "WOW, lotta action"
Quote: "Oh my fuckin gawd!" Quote: "I love grab-ass as much as the next guy, but those guys are out of hand!"
